Alex Poucher, a 29 year old father of a seven-year-old daughter, is a determined activist who was arrested a total of seven times in Ferguson last year.
The charges all essentially translate to one action deemed a crime: protesting.
According to Revolution News,
(Poucher) has five charges pending against him in Missouri courts, including two counts of interfering with an officer, impeding traffic, refusal to disperse, and unlawful assembly. Alex Poucher has been arrested 7 times between the dates of November 19th and December 31st, and now faces up to three years in jail.Poucher was arrested on December 11th, for cop watching in a car full of activists in Ferguson. He videotaped the police pulling over the activists, and according to his account the ‘routine traffic stop’ took a dramatic left turn when the cops found the Guy Fawkes masks in the car.
“As soon as the masks became visible, the traffic stop quickly escalated to charges of trespassing”, according to The Daily Dot.
“Fuck the police, huh?” said an officer who pulled over the activists. He was convinced that they were the same activists who were chanting “Fuck the police” prior to the incident.
A video of the incident can be viewed below. The other videos of Poucher’s arrests can also be found on YouTube.
In an interview with The Daily Dot, Poucher said “I was targeted for being who I am and representing the collective known as Anonymous.”
Out of his 7 arrests, 3 were caught on tape. One of his ‘crimes’ was described by the St. Louis County Municipal Court as “interlocking arms with other protesters to prevent police officers from moving protesters from the street to the sidewalk and to avoid arrest.”
This arrest happened to be captured on video by the Associated Press, ironically, and it shows that he was not near any other protesters, and he certainly was not linking arms with anyone in resistance.
Alex Poucher became known for interviewing a KKK member during the Ferguson movement, trying to divert them from instigating conflict in Ferguson.
If you would like to help him beat the case, a crowdfunding campaign is in effect - the GoFundMe can be found here.
Please share this with as many people as possible, to perform our civic duty to defend fellow activists and people against unjust incarceration.
Cassius Methyl writes for TheAntiMedia.org, where this first appeared. Tune-in to The Anti-Media radio show Monday-Friday @ 11pm EST, 8pm PST.
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