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Wednesday, July 23, 2014

US Appeals to "Law of the Jungle" in MH17 Case

Tony Cartalucci

After the Russian Federation disclosed to the world satellite imagery, radar information, and abnormalities in Malaysia Airlines Boeing 777 flight MH17's flight path, it asked Ukraine and the Western nations backing the regime in Kiev, questions regarding their alleged evidence. To these questions, the West has responded with increasingly suspicious silence and evasion.

At one point, US State Department Deputy Spokesperson Marie Harf, told journalists that the summation of US evidence was "YouTube" videos and other forms of social media - all of which are admittedly unverifiable and some of which is veritably fabricated.

All of Harf's comments assigning blame to eastern Ukrainian separatists so far rests entirely on the alleged veracity of "YouTube clips" and "Facebook posts." Harf left no room for the possibility that the evidence she is hinging her comments on may be fabrications, taken out of context, or otherwise inaccurate.

The abject failure of the United States to once again put forth credible evidence amid a firestorm of propaganda and rush to judgement - and subsequent action - echoes the attempted rush to war after NATO-member Turkey and Saudi Arabia assisted terrorists from the Syrian Al Qaeda franchise, Al Nusra, in carrying out a false-flag sarin gas attack in Damascus in August 2013. It also echoes the fallacious, fabricated evidence peddled before the United Nations regarding Iraqi "weapons of mass destruction" that in fact did not exist - but led to the invasion and nearly decade-long occupation of Iraq and over a million dead.

The serial fabrications the West has produced to advance its agenda worldwide is a troubling indictment of the "international order" it presumes itself chief proponent of and arbiter over. It appears to be an "international order" where the "law of the jungle," prevails over the rule of law. Instead of an impartial investigation to ascertain the facts surrounding the downing of MH17, the US has resigned to citing "YouTube" clips as the basis upon which it seeks to undermine, isolate, and diminish the nation of Russia and its population of 142 million people, both politically and economically.

Harf insists on behalf of the US government that "commonsense" dictates who is responsible for the downing of MH17 - but to that a simple question can be asked, and demonstrably answered - cui bono? Downing the Malaysian airliner with nearly 300 on board and blaming it on Russia has been the "game changer" desperately needed by NATO and its collaborators in Kiev to turn the tides in a battle they were decisively losing, politically, tactically, strategically, and economically.

Another curiosity is the fact that most of the "intelligence" the US claims to have is in reference to "YouTube" clips, photography, and conclusions drawn on a series of pro-Kiev Ukrainian blogs (written in English). Is US intelligence simply reading blogs? Or are the blogs somehow a clearinghouse of US intelligence? Or are the blogs fabrications by US intelligence in an attempt to frame Russia? One in particular, "Ukraine at War," is a definitive collection of fabrications, biased propaganda, and dubious claims that appear to precede "US intelligence" claims. 

The list of questions the US must answer after its nearly week-long campaign of baselessly accusing Russia is growing exponentially - with diversions, evasions, and juvenile deferrals to "social media" only further compromising America's waning credibility.

You can visit our MH17 article archive here.  Poll:  Who do you think shot down Malaysian Airlines Flight MH17?

Tony Cartalucci's articles have appeared on many alternative media websites, including his own at Land Destroyer ReportAlternative Thai News Network and LocalOrg.  

Read other contributed articles by Tony Cartalucci here.

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