Agenda 21 is a global plan to inventory and control all land, all water, all minerals, all plants, all animals, all construction, all means of production, all energy, all education, all information, and all human beings in the world. Inventory and control.[i]
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) today is inviting applications from communities interested in exploring barriers to smart growth and testing innovative strategies that can create healthier, more sustainable places to live, work, and play.[ii]
The sinister realities of the program has been oozing out, however, so the name is currently being changed to “Future Earth” because the truth getting out has given the term “Agenda 21” a negative connotation.[iv]
The motivations, purposes and methodology of those who persist in alarmism on climate change, in the face of the mounting scientific evidence to the contrary and the 16 year ‘pause’ in rising global average surface temperatures are more transparent.
As the evidence increasingly contradicts the theory of greenhouse gas impacts on global temperatures the alarm is morphing to climate disruption, climate chaos, extreme weather and other scary stuff, since the temperatures are not keeping in step with rising CO2.[vi]
Americans are already experiencing its [Agenda 21] implementation without even realizing it. The power structure veils the implementation with claims that it is all good for the community. The Bible says that the great counterfeiter reveals himself as an angel of light.[vii]
Proponents of Sustainable Development constantly tell us that their plans are just local. And they deride those who accuse them of imposing an international agenda. Kooks. Fringe Fanatics. Conspiracy Theorists. These are just some of the labels they pin on those fighting to expose Agenda 21. Moreover, they sarcastically ask, “how can an obscure twenty-year-old document be a threat to local policy? Tsk Tsk.[viii]
Senate Bill 265 would have forced local governments to interpret ambiguously worded restrictions to determine if a proposed action could be considered "traceable" to a nonbinding resolution passed by the United Nations more than two decades ago. The resolution, known as Agenda 21, imposes no mandates on local governments, and not a single pejorative action in Missouri has been tied to it.[ix]
Monsanto is working to help find ways to produce more food within the limits of the world’s natural systems." Monsanto was excited to partner "with a global coalition of more than 200 companies that advocate for progress on sustainable development. [x]
The Chinese government, under the direction of global corporations like Goldman Sachs, is instituting a mass relocation of its population from rural to urban. At the point of a gun, the Chinese military is forcibly removing one million Chinese farmers per month from their rural homes and forcing them into the massive ghost cities from which China has spent nearly $3 trillion to construct. … Unlike the Chinese farmers who are being forced by gunpoint off their land. American farmers are being nudged off their land by market forces created by covert government policy.[xii]
By 2018, each of the city’s 1.3 million homes or businesses is expected to have a smart meter. … More than $1.3 billion of that investment is earmarked to build a Smart Grid network and install 4 million smart meters in all Northern Illinois homes and businesses. ComEd’s modernization efforts are designed to reduce outages by 700,000 per year, saving customers an estimated $100 million in outage-related costs.[xvi]