One key dilemma I come to over and over again is: if nation states have failed and are run by corrupt agents (as almost all are), what in the world makes them think that a single world state will function any better? It defies logic!
If you can hear this, you are the resistance. Please send out your stories, write of your experiences, put them in the comment sections.
P.S. Is this still crazy talk for you? Well, don't take it from me, here is Joe Deiss, a cog in the UN machine discussing the need for "global governance" and Agenda 21 (as part of the nation state takeover, timeline 2050) in dull, read-between-the-lines bureaucrat-o-speak. I am forced merely to link to the website as embedding YouTube material may soon mean you are a terrorist.
Notes:[4] "Beyond the Border: a Shared Vision for Perimeter Security and Economic Competitiveness."
Prime Minister of Canada / Premier Ministre Du Canada. 4 Feb. 2011. <>.