Activist Post
Lately, we’ve seen a massive marketing make-over of environmental modification (ENMOD) programs. What has been a clandestine and hostile military application now is promoted as a “futuristic” solution to corporate pollution. Debunking mass media’s mischaracterization of geoengineering as “futuristic” is in order. Below we take a closer look at those organizations planting such disinformation and offer sources on the harmful effects of geoengineering.
Here is a sampling of quotes from mainstream media on the use of geoengineering:
NYTimes in 2006: “In the past few decades, a handful of scientists have come up with big, futuristic ways to fight global warming…. Their proposals were relegated to the fringes of climate science.”
AP: “Crutzen, who wrote a 2006 scientific article that sparked interest in geoengineering…”
Slate Magazine, Sept. 23, 2010: “Global climate engineering is untested and untestable…. the discipline does not yet exist; it is at best geoscientific speculation.”
James Cascio (author of Hacking the Earth: Understanding the Consequences of Geoengineering) on October 15, 2010: “It does not yet appear that anyone has started to develop actual geoengineering tools…”
Reuters: “None of this … will go forward without ample opportunity for the public to comment.”
Freakonomics: “… a ‘Future Tense Event’ called, Geoengineering: The Horrifying Idea Whose Time Has Come…”
NYTimes Nov. 2010 “…novel approaches to limiting global warming.”
In addition to mass media, environmental organizations also promote the idea that geoengineering is brand new.
In a companion piece, “UN Climate Concern Morphs into Chemtrail Glee Club,” Cassandra Anderson was recognized for recently noting that environmental watchdog and geoengineering opponent, ETC Group, is partly funded by the Ford Foundation, which she characterizes as being “known for supporting depopulation.”
Not only has ETC adamantly opposed geoengineering, but also genetic engineering, both suspected depopulation tools. ETC does subscribe to anthropogenic global warming, and believes that geoengineering is being used to halt legislation or treaties that would reduce greenhouse gas emissions. In its 56-page report, “Geopiracy: The Case Against Geoengineering,” ETC warns (p.18):
For those who previously doubted (or still do) the science of anthropogenic global warming, the geoengineering approach shifts the discussion from reducing emissions to an end-of-pipe solution. Once geoengineering is an option, there is no longer a need to bicker about who put the carbon dioxide in the atmosphere (or ask them to stop).
Diverting money into controlling carbon emissions and away from geoengineering is probably morally irresponsible.
To its discredit, ETC denies the existence of current ENMOD programs (p.42):
One of the reasons the geoengineering debate has focused on research governance is that the technology itself is largely theoretical (there is no actual deployment to govern). [emphasis added]
In recent years there has been a decline in the support for weather modification research, and a tendency to move directly into operational projects.
ETC also absurdly states (p. 41) that:
Geoengineering is still too contested a field for most big corporate investors, and for many an open association with geoengineering would be a public relations liability.
Those who would have the technical, scientific and financial resources to carry out geoengineering schemes [are] …. well-capitalized governments and corporations.
As stated in Chemtrail Glee Club:
Delivery systems aren’t the only types of patents related to chemtrails. Aluminum is part of thevarious metal-chemical cocktails sprayed and is highly toxic to plants, therefore representing a serious threat to normal agriculture. For over thirteen years, biotech scientists have researchedaluminum resistant genes in plants, finally isolating one in 2007. Today, a ‘new generation of genetically engineered crop research’ seeks to develop aluminum-resistance in commercial crops.
I wouldn’t throw the baby out with the bath water, though. It’s likely that a wealth of accurate information can be found in Cascio’s book, Hacking the Earth, even though he also denies that the “tools” exist.
What is obvious is that a major perception management scheme is underway across the political spectrum from climate change skeptics to AGW devotees. Instead of framing ENMOD as a military attack, we’re now discussing it in terms of climate change — a sticking point among populists, some who buy into it and some who don’t.
Over a Century of Cloud Seeding
Though governments, mass media and dubiously-funded organizations still portray geoengineering as futuristic, a wealth of evidence exists that governments and private entities have engaged in the practice for over a century. See, e.g., the sources listed in my July 2010 piece, Atmospheric Geoengineering: Weather Manipulation, Contrails and Chemtrails.
One historian cited, James Fleming, traced military funding of weather modification experiments back to the 1840s. That’s 170 years ago. Small scale rainmaking was successful enough that in 1915, the city of San Diego offered Charles Hatfield an outrageous sum of $10,000 to end their drought. He did, to disastrous effect.
Fleming discounts the ENMOD programs developed during and after World War II, as if technology leapt backwards for several decades until 2003, which is the date he gives to the latest phase of weather modification. He wants us to ignore computers, and all the other advances in science that impact on weather. But, beginning with and immediately following WWII, that is where the bulk of evidence for geoengineering exists, continuing (as reported by mainstream media) for the next 35 years until the UN banned hostile ENMOD programs in 1976.
Then, we have a relative media blackout on the issue until the new millennium. Chemtrail citing increases exponentially after 2000, which coincides with the timeline suggested in a US Dept. of Defense report entitled, “Weather as a Force Multiplier: Owning the Weather in 2025” (reproduced at Federation of American Scientists):
2000 Introduce ionic mirrors, with a sharp increase from 2008;
2000-2025 Use chemicals for atmospheric seeding by civilian (as well as military) aviation;
2004 Create smart clouds thru nanotechnology, with exponential increase after 2010;
2005 Introduce ‘carbon black dust’.
2000-2025 Use chemicals for atmospheric seeding by civilian (as well as military) aviation;
2004 Create smart clouds thru nanotechnology, with exponential increase after 2010;
2005 Introduce ‘carbon black dust’.
This next image also shows what may be ‘carbon black dust’ but its date and location are not given (from Glenn Boyle’s Strange Days Strange Skies):
According to “Owning the Weather,” carbon black dust is deployed via jet over large bodies of water “upwind from coastlines with onshore flow” to “enhance rainfall on the mesoscale, generate cirrus clouds, and enhance cumulonimbus (thunderstorm) clouds.” The supporting study cited is from 1976.
Sources on Health Effects of Geoengineering
The environmental and health effects induced by geoengineering remain of grave concern. Numerous researchers have sounded the alarm, including Dr. Ilya Sandra Perlingieri, author of The Uterine Crisis. In Heavy Metals Poisoning, Brain Injury, and Clandestine Weather Modification Programs, she cites several qualified researchers. She also reports that:
For more than 10 years, researcher Clifford Carnicom has been valiantly and systematically reporting on the various detrimental aspects of these aerosols and what they are doing to our entire environment, as well as our blood.” [See and]
Various researchers recommend the following books:
Angels Don’t Play This HAARP: Advances in Tesla Technology, by Dr. Nick Begich and Jeane Manning (Earthpulse Press: 1995, 224 p.)
Death in the Air: Globalism, Terrorism & Toxic Warfare, by Leonard Horowitz (Healthy World Distribution: 2001, 526 p.)
Weather Warfare: The Military’s Plan to Draft Mother Nature, by Jerry E. Smith (Adventures Unlimited Press: 2006, 402 p.)
Rady Ananda’s work has appeared in several online and print publications. She holds a B.S. in Natural Resources from The Ohio State University’s School of Agriculture. Using years of editorial experience and web publishing, Rady now promotes the ideas and work of a select group of quality writers and artists at Food Freedom and COTO Report.
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