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Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Conquering your cravings

Steve and Darren
Let's admit it, we have all had them at some point in our lives. How to come to terms with them, understand why they occur and eventually gain control of them, is an important topic in our goal for long-term health. Cravings see us reaching for chocolate, beer, sugary snacks, excessive carbs and a sundry of other foods that are rarely good for us. In this article we will explore why we crave what we do and what strategies we might employ to gain the upper hand. Cocoa Mojo Nutri Cafe Coconut Milk PowderCravings in general reflect a signal from the body, physically or emotionally, that something is missing. In the case of physical signals, it normally refers to one of two missing substances. The first is water and is frankly the one to satisfy before exploring whether the craving has been satisfied. More often than not, if we feel a craving coming on and first drink some water, the unexpected or unrecognized dehydration is the true craving signal. Of course the kind of water you drink is very important. Drinking high quality filtered water is essential to good health and also cleansing. Secondly, if you satisfy your thirst whether you realize you are thirsty or not, you should then wait five minutes. If you are still craving, the most likely reason is that you are lacking certain nutrients; most often these will be vitamins, minerals or good fat. When I feel any kind of craving I first drink water and if the craving persists I eat a spoonful of coconut milk powder. The good fats will quite often eliminate your cravings, since our bodies need good fat. For years the western world has been on a proverbial witch-hunt against anything that contains fat, yielding a plethora of supposedly healthy low fat versions of everything. Since the body needs fat for the liver to produce cholesterol, an essential cell and brain repairer and for the body to make hormones, if we don't get it we crave it. If the fat does not calm the cravings my next approach is to replenish my stock of essential vitamins and minerals which I am convinced can only be accomplished with a good food based formula comprised of super foods that are themselves densely packed with these essential nutrients. When your body is thus well nourished it is very unlikely that you will be craving any longer. If you are and your craving is of the sweet kind, it is quite possible that you have an overgrowth of yeast such as Candida and it will be necessary to cut drastically down on your sugar consumption, consume more coconut and take an anti fungal formula. When you have conquered the sugar cravings in this manner and those mentioned above, future cravings might have a strong emotional component. We often reach for certain foods or substances that conjure up cozy feelings of stress free childhood moments. Being conscious of when we reach and what we reach for can help us understand and eventually redirect our choices, along with the wise dietary suggestions above.
So good luck! Follow the advice above and you should soon find yourself more in charge of your cravings.
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