As we explained in the last issue that when GDP figures are again revised we would find 2nd quarter GDP growth was really 1.3% to 1.5%, not 2.4% revised down from 3.7%. This experience points out the really bogus nature of government statistics. Several months ago we projected that without QE the economy in the 3rd quarter would result in 1% growth and minus 1% in the 4th quarter. Insiders on wall Street knew months ago that we’d get QE, which was announced on Wednesday by the FOMC and that is why they projected GDP growth for the 2nd half of 1-1/2%. We project zero to 1%. Even with a $5 trillion injection over the next two years by the Fed, we can only project 1-1/2% growth accompanied by 14% plus inflation. If you own gold and silver you will be happy. Such stimulus eventually fails and burns out, markets fall and interest rates rise.
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The dollar is being dumped because those in power behind the scenes want world government and a global central bank. | |
What most professionals can’t understand is why the dollar is being dumped. It is not because it is mired in debt and bankrupt. It is not because other nations will lose 2/3’s of 60% of their foreign reserves. It is because those in power behind the scenes want world government and a global central bank based on the use of the SDR, special Drawing Right, or the bancor. This would end up with a loss of sovereignty for all nations, plus no individual monetary or fiscal policies. All decisions would be in the hands of some one-world Illuminist bureaucrat. You would be abandoning the world’s fiat currencies, excepting the euro, which is partially gold backed, for another fiat currency such as the SDR, or the bancor. How can that present an improvement? Look at the mess that bureaucrats have made of the euro zone and the EU. Look at how the European elitists had to get a constitution passed and then it wasn’t even a constitution. It was some kind of agreement to subjugate Europeans -an agreement that most of the inhabitants of Europe voted against.
If the SDR or the bancor becomes a world currency the decisions, not only financial, monetary and fiscal, will be made in some foreign country, perhaps in Brussels, NYC or London. Decisions that will affect everything you do. Those policies will control every facet of your life. You will become controlled and enslaved.
The attempted changes could come next yr or in 2 or 3 years, but they are coming, if you allow them to come.
You ask what will work if the dollar no longer is the world reserve currency? We see the best alternative in an index of G-50 currencies weighed by financial conditions in each country backed by somewhere between 15% and 25% in gold. Nothing less will work. Unfortunately, the people in charge behind the scenes will never allow that to happen again, because they cannot control such a gold backed currency. Fractional banking would be limited to nine times deposits or less. That means no massive speculation on inside information. They will no longer be able to screw the public and create bubbles and busts on a whim. This is what these creatures are up too. Do not underestimate them, they will do everything they can to have a world currency and you will pay for it dearly.
Now that the turmoil in European markets has stabilized, at least temporally, the infighting continues on as to whether the Federal Reserve should pour another $5 trillion into the economy, or whether the US should begin an austerity program similar to what is being executed in the UK and Europe. Even with all the bogus numbers, Europe only has unemployment of 12% to 14%, whereas the US has 21-3/8%. Without such stimulus the US economy would collapse into a state of affairs far worse than experienced in the 1930s. Although no matter what the Fed does to stimulate ultimately the US and the world are facing deflationary depression. The administration and Messrs. Summers, Greenspan and Rubin believe the deflationary depressions should begin now. Others want another broad stimulus until they see the best opportunity to plunge the system into that deflationary depression. We believe the latter want to get a worldwide war underway, so they can cover up what they have been up too for the last many years. If such a war is in progress the dislocations caused by such a conflict can be used to explain the economic and financial failure. How this dilemma behind the scenes can be solved we can’t venture a guess, but the verbal conflict is well underway. One thing is for certain we will soon know which way they are going to precede. All present outward moves lead us to believe that massive liquidity will be introduced, but then again we are not on the inside, so we have to back into our conclusions. Do not forget sovereign and other debt issues have not gone away; they have simply been temporarily painted over. Anyone who contends that the problems of Greece, Portugal, Spain, Ireland and Italy are behind them is foolish. Look at the other side of the problem. The banks that bought the bonds of these unfortunate nations from money they created out of thin air and the nations such as Germany and France that are on the hook for trillions of dollars of unpayable debt. No the problems have not disappeared with a $1 trillion commitment. Thus, the euro zone and the EU stumble on having at least for now, accepted austerity and higher taxes – a sure formula for deflationary depression.
Here we are three years later back to square one. Now we not only have a new subprime crisis on the way due to the actions of government via Fannie, Freddie, Ginnie and FHA, but we still have the euro zone crisis to contend with. The financial environment is still one of Ponzi finance; little has changed. Let us say emphatically that neither crisis is over and behind us.
This time around expectations are the same. The Fed will come to the rescue as the Dow slides toward 9686 again, something that cannot be tolerated. A lower market would spark a loss of confidence again, as well as a fall in value of assets.
This time we do not have the luxury of cutting interest rates, which are currently near zero. That leaves the Fed with only one weapon; flooding the economy with money and credit, known as quantitative easing. The alternative is deflationary depression, as advocated by Obama, Summers, Greenspan and Rubin, etc. the Trilaterals, Council on Foreign Relations and Bilderbergers are arguing as to which road to take. If they take the low road they had best get there next war going post-haste.
We also see former Fed Chairman Sir Alan Greenspan has jumped aboard the low road bandwagon stating that the Bush tax cuts should be eliminated. This strikes another blow for the deflationists. If he and the others, who agree with him, hold forth they had best plan for a much lower stock market and a continued flight to gold and silver, as the only real safe havens in all this terrible tumult.
Worse yet, everything the administration has done has been disastrous. They do not even want to talk about their successes because the public lowers their ratings almost every day. A financial regulations bill that makes the privately owned Federal Reserve a financial monopoly and dictatorial power. This is all bad, but do not forget he doesn’t make the decisions. They are made by the CFR-types behind the scenes that are running scared. Half want stimulus and the other half want depression. This is a mess, but it was predicable. Talk radio, the Internet and a handful of newspapers, magazines and newsletters have been raising havoc with elitist plans. The public is learning the truth and it is killing the insiders. That is why you are seeing vicious attacks on anyone that is effective, such as many attacks on radio programs that we appear on. Desperate people do desperate things and that is the vise that the shadow government is in presently. If you had any doubts why are gold and silver and commodities rising and the dollar falling? It is because the stimulus program was a failure and the geniuses behind the scenes do not know what to do. It’s inflate or die. If these one-worlders lose they lose everything just as they did when the Lombard system collapsed in 1348. This is where this is all headed and they are terrified and they should be.
Perceptions of the market are dreadful. 72% of the volume is front running, which happens to be illegal, known as black box trades. The public has been a major share seller for the last year and one-half. Why is the market rising again? It is called, “The President’s Working Group on Financial Markets,” which works 24/7 manipulating markets worldwide to serve the goals of those who want world government, a world currency and a world bank.