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Monday, July 28, 2014
25 Recent Events Causing WW3 They Want You To Forget
Anthony Freda Art
Eric Blair
Remember when our rulers told us that regimes like Saddam, Gaddafi, and Assad were the epitome of evil and must be liberated because they allegedly killed their own citizens? Probably not. Americans have short memories.
I only remind you to let you know that the U.S. and other Western governments have reversed their stance on regimes killing their own citizens. They now fully endorse and support this rule-with-an-iron-fist so long as the victims can be successfully labeled "separatists" or "terrorists".
In fact, they want in on the action. The Pentagon began wargaming this week with the regime in Ukraine on how best to kill pesky citizens in Eastern Ukraine who oppose the U.S. Vice President's son stealing and fracking shale gas on their land.
People who defend their land and families are called "terrorists" when imperial powers want their resources. In turn, Western rulers call violent coups "duly elected" if they pledge allegiance to the IMF.
This situation is creating friction among the world's superpowers not seen since the Cold War. Obama recently expressed
concern that
"The old order isn’t holding and we’re not quite where we need to be in terms of a new order." Later in the speech he blamed uncooperative nations (read Russia) for standing in the way of the New World Order.
It seems if Russia doesn't get on board with the Western-led world order, these powers are destined to clash in a West vs. East showdown over international banking and the control of gas supplies.
Here are 25 recent events, or data points, that our rulers hope we forget when they blame the collapse of the old world order on Russia:
US spent
$5 billion to destabilize
Ukraine, not to mention the millions NGOs spent on "
opposition groups
". The State Department was even
caught playing kingmaker in Ukraine
in secret recordings during the takeover.
November 21st, 2013 - Ukraine's President
abandons an agreement
on closer trade ties with EU, instead seeking closer cooperation with Russia. Violent pro-EU protests begin to organize.
December 17th, 2013 - Putin offers to buy
$15bn of Ukrainian debt
and discount the price of Russian gas by about a third.
February 2014 - Violence of coup peaks on the 20th. On 22nd
protesters took control of Kiev
and Parliament votes to remove president from power.
February 23rd - New interim government named,
replaces head of Ukraine central bank
March 6th - Obama
signs national emergency executive order
to punish Ukrainians that "undermine democratic processes and institutions" of the coup government in Ukraine. You can't make this stuff up.
March 16th -
Crimea holds voter referendum
to split from coup government in Kiev and ally with Russia, passes by over 95%.
March 20th - Obama announces more unilateral
sanctions on Russia
March 24th - Leaked tape where former prime minister of Ukraine and darling of the West, Yulia Tymoshenko,
calls for wiping out all Russians
with nuclear weapons.
April 29th - Obama unilaterally
expands sanctions on Russia
April 30th - Newly installed regime in Kiev receives
$17 billion from the IMF
for "economic reforms". (December deal from Russia with better terms for Ukrainian people discarded.)
May 3rd - Obama calls Kiev's coup government "
duly elected
May 11th - Eastern Ukraine
votes for independence
from Kiev and for self-rule. Kiev mobilizes military to punish citizens for disloyalty.
May 15th - US Vice President's son Hunter Biden
named to the board
of Ukraine gas company.
May 21st - Russia and China sign historic
$400 billion "Holy Grail"
gas deal not using petrodollars.
May 27th - Second day in office, new Ukraine president launches military "
anti-terrorist operation
" against eastern Ukrainians.
June 3rd -
NATO pledges military support
for Ukraine to battle dissidents.
June 16th - Ukraine refuses to pay its gas bill to Moscow's Gazprom,
Russia cuts off gas
June 26th - Gazprom agrees to
drop the dollar
to settle contracts with China.
June 27th - The EU signs an
association agreement
with Ukraine, along with Georgia and Moldova
July 15th - BRICS nations
fund international development bank
to compete with the IMF, World Bank, and the dollar itself.
July 17th - Commercial airliner
shot out of the sky over eastern Ukraine. Appears to be classic
false flag event
after the West immediately blamed Russia citing sketchy YouTube videos.
July 2014 - US announces yet more
sanctions on Russia
both join in calls for more sanctions for Russia.
July 2014 - Joe Biden's son's company
prepares to drill shale gas in east Ukraine
July 2014 - Pentagon
creates military plan
to clear path for gas drilling in rebel-held areas of Ukraine.
I'm sure I missed a few. Feel free to fill in the blanks in the comment section below.
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