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Sunday, September 15, 2013

Who Are The Deniers Now? Record Ice Growth in 2013

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Arctic ice grows 60% over last year
NASA image
Activist Post

Global warming skeptics have been repeatedly and viciously attacked by condescending "experts" and their fan clubs as deniers, flat-earth Neanderthals, oil-industry cronies, anti-environment cretins, and generally uninformed idiots. 

When did it become wrong to question the "official" version of climate change? Like the establishment hasn't lied to us in the past.

Significant evidence has recently come to light that should make all warmists pause and consider that they may have been duped by banksters champing at the bit to tax the air and control our lifestyles.

NASA released a recent image of the Arctic ice cap that shows record ice growth over last year:

Comparison compiled by
DailyMail reports that the 60% increase or 920,000 square miles of new ice has forced the UN Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) was forced to make urgent changes to their annual climate report.

Shockingly, some mainstream news sources used this image to claim that the ice caps were melting down to nothing. 

LiveScience posted the record ice growth image with the headline "Shrinking Arctic Ice Will Lead to Ice-Free Summers".

Wouldn't an August 15th photo typically represent the end-of-the-summer money shot for warmists?  It's being used to promote the exact opposite of what the evidence shows.

Of course it was NASA scientists who told them yes, there's record ice growth "but we're still seeing a strong downward trend."

In 2012, the ice cap over the Arctic Ocean shrank to its lowest extent ever recorded. Measures of sea ice extent take into account the area of the Arctic Ocean on which ice covers at least 15 percent of the surface. This year's summer melting season is unlikely to break that record, but that does not necessarily herald good news, said Walt Meier, a glaciologist at NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center in Greenbelt, Md. 
"This is not going to be as extreme a year as last year, but we're still seeing a strong downward trend," Meier told LiveScience. "We're still at levels that are much lower than average."
Now that the official numbers are in and they can't be denied. The "Earth has gained 19,000 Manhattans of sea ice since this date last year, the largest increase on record. There is more sea ice now than there was on this date in 2002," according to

Countless articles were written about the so-called record ice melt in 2012. How many will be written by establishment journals concerning the record ice growth of 2013?

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