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Thursday, August 15, 2013

Elysium vs World War Z, setting the agenda and mass mind control

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Ruth Hull

Movies and literature inspire and program the masses to love, to hate, to protect or to kill. If Dennis Kucinich made a movie, it would be Elysium, a movie which teaches that all people have the right to immigrate, to have health care and to live.

There are no illegal humans -- Dennis Kucinich

Movies do make a difference. In World War Z, genocidal slaughter of the ill and unfortunate was made acceptable and a positive goal to be applauded. In Elysium, the elitists learn there will be consequences for mistreating the sick and poor. Which message is the better one to teach our children? Which message is the better one for American leaders to get?

While our government is working on a mass mind control project, funded under DARPA, movie producers are learning that the best way to change the minds of the masses is through programming them via the big screen.

In 1987, the movie Cry Freedom, aimed at ending South African Apartheid, was released. Cry Freedom was very educational and might well have changed the course of history if racist reviewers and racist distributors in Hollywood hadn't worked to suppress the popularity of what was a great movie. However in 1989, the racists could not suppress the popularity of Mel Gibson and Danny Glover, who put terror into the hearts of South African diplomats.

The South African Government protested as audiences loudly cheered the "heroic" slaughter of onscreen South African diplomats by Martin Riggs and Roger Murtaugh. After launching their objections to Lethal Weapon 2, the South African leaders began negotiating in earnest in 1990 to end their racist system, which officially ended a couple years later. Sometimes, it takes a big screen movie to make a difference.

Think of the impact, positive or negative, of Birth of a NationThe Day After TomorrowSicko,Bowling for ColumbineBatman, and The Basketball Diaries.

Matt Damon has been making some of the most altruistic movies on the screen, teaching the strength of love and free will (The Adjustment Bureau), the power of self determination (Good Will Hunting) and the importance of standing up against a government out of control (the Bourne moves), to name a few.

Elysium portrays truths and likely consequences that the corporate news media is refusing to acknowledge. If you can't say it in the press, say it in a movie. But if the producers acknowledge what they are doing as they are making and releasing altruistic movies, the corporate media tries to change, block or hide the end result.

Elysium, teaches us that all people have the right to live and to have health care. This is another position Dennis Kucinich pushed in his universal, not-for-profit health care plan, almost the antithesis of any Republican plan and of Obamacare. Notice that health care is effective when the goal is to heal as opposed to exploit. But failure to provide health care to the masses is the coldest form of murder.

The movie shows the cruelty of corporate oppression as William Fitchner's character John Carlyle (remember the Carlyle Group) exploits and endangers the lives of his workers and coldly allows them to die from their injuries. What is the difference between this insensitivity and Monsanto's corporate greed that produces deadly products that exploit and kill massive numbers of people in the United States? Remember how nuclear meltdown pusher Barack Obama fled the country with his family for South America when the Fukushima plume hit? What makes him different from those elitists runningElysium who escape the horrors of what they created? Do you really think Obama's children eat Monsanto's produce?

The movie makes it clear that borders, themselves, are a form of oppression. When Elysium Secretary Delacourt Rhodes (Jodie Foster) orders the cold-blooded murder of illegal immigrants, what makes her any different from the Minute Men or renegade law enforcement officers shooting immigrants entering the U.S. from Mexico? Instead of a wall, they have a no-fly zone. It's interesting that those trying to immigrate speak Spanish. The similarities to the U.S. bigotry and racism against Mexican undocumented workers are very clear as is the rounding up of the immigrants by the Homeland Security forces.

Those viewers familiar with computerized election rigging are not surprised when computer tampering is expected to create a falsified regime change. Kerry really did win Ohio as the numbers later showed. Like Secretary Rhodes, George W. Bush was never elected President — not even once.

Though Damon and Director Neill Blomkamp are playing coy about the purpose of the movie, Jodie Foster is spelling it out.

Noting that the film's social message was a major draw for her, Jodie Foster stated:

The film has such a strong sociopolitical murmur, and it has such a strong insight into the ‘haves and have-nots.
Ms. Foster also has a history of selecting movies that make a difference, such as Contact and The Accused, the latter of which portrays the cruelty and injustices that rape and other abuse victims have in store for them in a sexist justice system that is aimed at nearly eliminating the rights of women and female crime victims.

On August 11th, Activist Post ran a story by Melissa Melton about the use of TV for mind control:
Thus, everyone is put into a hypnotic state that author Wes Moore says, “produces highly functional, mobile ‘bio-survival robots.’” There’s a reason he dubbed television an "opiate of the masses."
TV programs us. We tune in, drop out and stop asking questions.

Movies are much more encompassing than television shows as the audience is surrounded by the sound and the picture is bigger than life. The audience often identifies with the main character in a movie — even when the main character is a bad guy. As Brad Pitt blows up a plane and everyone on board but himself and an Israeli girl in World War Z, the audience is with him. Is this a moral thing to do? What if your child were on a plane that was destroyed by a copy-cat? As a stadium of sick people is blown up (despite the fact that the sick are no longer a threat to the healthy people) at the end of World War Z, the audience is expected to cheer the mass murder. It's sort of like cheering the bombing of Hiroshima or the destruction of a hospital or school in Afghanistan. What kind of message is society supposed to get? When was the last time 300 million people said "no" to continued war in Afghanistan? Have the morals of America been depowered by images, such as those in World War Z? Can we get our morality back?

If producers start making more movies like Elysium, perhaps society will gain the courage to stand up to our leaders and perhaps our leaders will start to fear the wrath of the people. The viewers have choices. Before our world is completely programmed into destruction of the masses, perhaps those masses ought to start watching and demanding more movies that show the kind of world we want our children to inherit.

This article first appeared at Digital Journal

Ruth Hull is an activist and writer whose career has included work as a criminal defense attorney, a licensed private investigator, and an educator.

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