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Thursday, June 27, 2013

Donald Trump Attacks Snowden: ‘There is still a thing called execution’

Paul Lawrance

Fox and Friends received a Monday morning call from multi-billionaire Donald Trump who weighed in with his thoughts about Edward Snowden’s NSA leaks.

Trump called Snowden a ”terrible guy who has really set our country back” and even suggested that the whistleblower be executed.

Spies in the old days used to be executed. This guy is becoming a hero in some circles. Now, I will say, with the passage of time, even people that were sort of liking him and were trying to go on his side are maybe dropping out…

“We have to get him back and we have to get him back fast. It could take months or it could take years, and that would be pathetic.” Trump uttered.

This guy’s a bad guy and, you know, there’s still a thing called execution.
Trump stamps Snowden as a traitor, stirring suggestions that Snowden maybe be sharing more leaks he might potentially possess with the Chinese and Russian governments.

When asked what he thought about the journalists who broke the NSA surveillance leaks involving Snowden, Trump said, “I think its disgracful..”

Throughout the conversation Trump total discredits himself as a sensible man, exposing his ignorance of the rule of law and the issue at hand.

The mainstream media continues to hound on Snowden, while the larger picture (the NSA violating the Fourth Amendment) is totally pushed aside.

Trump has no respect for freedom, as he proves with his words.

Paul Lawrance writes for Eyes Open Report, where this article first appeared.

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