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Wednesday, September 5, 2012

"See Something, Say Something?" Please Do!! Requesting your input to save lives

Janet Phelan

This reporter is actively soliciting the input of veterans -- or civilians who have had access to military bases -- to determine the accuracy of allegations that biological and/or chemical weapons are being warehoused on US military bases. If you have been on military bases and have seen large vats of liquid being stored please contact me to tell me what you have witnessed.

The United States government maintains that it has destroyed its chemical weapons stockpiles and that, in accordance with the Biological Weapons Convention, is not stockpiling biological weapons. Recent investigations have indicated that this is a false assertion. (Source

A civilian contractor with a security clearance has come forward to allege that Sierra Army Depot has been storing large vats of liquid. The spokesperson for Sierra has denied this. When questioned as to what sorts of liquids were being stockpiled at Sierra Army Depot, a spokesperson for The Department of Homeland Security, Dr. Daniel Gerstein, denied the very existence of Sierra Army Depot, which is located in Herlong, California. (Source)

Investigations have indicated that the United States of America is stockpiling these weapons with the intent to deploy them domestically. (Source)
I am requesting that anyone who has witnessed what may be biological and/or chemical stockpiles on military bases to come forward right away. There are indicators that there may be deployment before the end of 2013.

If you have information pertinent to this request, please contact Janet Phelan at Every email concerning this issue will be responded to. If you do not receive a reply from me, please assume that it was not delivered and resend it.


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