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Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Experts Claim Carbon Taxes Will Save Thousands of Lives

Andrew Puhanic, Contributor
Activist Post

Carbon taxes are now being heralded as a new way to save thousands of lives, and as a means of reducing government spending on health care in the falsified war on climate change.

A report published by the Climate and Health Alliance and the Climate Institute in Australia titled, "Health Benefits of Emissions Reductions" has concluded that the Australian government could save billions of dollars from its health care budget and save thousands of lives each year because of the carbon tax.

The carbon tax is also being used as a catalyst to address claims such as coal-fired power plants are causing lethal diseases and that pollution caused by cars is affecting everyone's quality of life.
The Climate and Health Alliance (established in August 2010 in response to the alarmists of the climate change movement) and the Climate Institute (a self-proclaimed independent research organisation that focuses on climate change solutions) have declared that by implementing a carbon tax, Australians will be better off because of the following six reasons:
  1. People who pay carbon taxes will have improved health and life expectancy.
  2. Carbon taxes prevent people from taking too many days off work.
  3. They won’t be required to visit the doctors as frequently as they ordinarily would.
  4. Have fewer hospital admissions.
  5. Will use fewer medications.
  6. Have increased productivity.
Even more alarming than the absurd benefits of paying carbon taxes as described above, the report claims that Australia could save up to $6 billion annually in avoided health care costs because of the carbon tax.
Paying more tax, in the name of a carbon tax, to save lives and to save money appears to be the next strategy by the climate change movement to scare unsuspecting citizens into believing that climate change is real, and that by paying carbon taxes we’ll all be better off.

What’s interesting to note about this report is that global warming alarmists are now beginning to directly link healthy living with climate change.

The report discusses the benefits of regular exercise, living in a healthy home, protecting our ecosystems and eating healthy in order to make the point that by performing these activities in collaboration with paying carbon taxes, global warming and climate change will be diverted. The report states that "Economic evaluation of the health benefits of emissions reductions in Australian jurisdictions would provide economic, social and political incentives for action and help build public support for climate mitigation".

The good news is that resistance to the carbon tax is growing. In Canada, the Canadian Taxpayers Federation has slammed the carbon tax and has announced that the carbon tax is a failure and must be revoked.

At the end of the day, Australia only emits 1.34% of total global emissions. While China continues to pollute more than ever, and other developing nations increase their energy supplies to meet their growing demand for energy, Western countries like Australia are doing the exact opposite.

This report proves yet again the ridiculous nature of global warming alarmists. Rather than focusing on tangible environmental issues such as the poisoning of our waters and overfishing of our seas, the green movement continues to follow a deceptively misleading path that is based on nothing but a weak and unproven theory.

To download the report, click here.

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Andrew Puhanic is the founder of the Globalist Report. The aim of the Globalist Report is to provide current, relevant and informative information about the Globalists and Globalist Agenda. You can contact Andrew directly by visiting the Globalist Report

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