Why are the police so aggressive toward the public? In part because their ranks attract bullies, sociopaths and psychopaths . . . Police in the US now rival criminals, and exceed terrorists, as the greatest threat to the American public.
We have failed to muster the courage. We have allowed our government to chase the shadows of terrorist across Iraq, paw though our purses and briefcases in airports searching for explosive tubes of toothpaste, desecrate our most sacred documents by imprisoning people without habeas corpus, and convince us that criticizing our president was treasonous. We have accepted the idea that countries whose GDPs were a fraction of AIG’s losses were members of an “Evil Axis” while we have trashed laws that had protected us from rapacious financiers. We have supported operations that scoured Colombian jungles for terrorist but neglected to search the ledgers of companies with the power to destroy our economy.