Marijuana has traditionally been referred to as the “gateway drug,” reputed to introduce one to harder more dangerous substances. If Colorado lawmakers have their way, a new system of policing to oversee Medical Marijuana sales frequency, quantity, buyer activity, and final point of use, will be introduced soon. Pot may once again become known as the gateway drug, however this time it will be to introduce Big Brother style tracking technology to the general market place.
The Colorado State legislature is looking at passing laws to keep track of medical marijuana purchases from seed to point of usage. These are designed to stop purchases of large quantities from various locations in short time periods, that could then be sold on the black market. State officials say that these laws and the surveillance system they will create, are necessary as protections against medical marijuana system abuses by unlawful drug dealers.
Patients and marijuana advocates see this as an unwarranted intrusion, an invasion of individual medical practices by the state using Orwellian methods. Drivers license swipes and video cameras, to track buyers. State officials are considering fingerprinting patients to eventually implement thumb scanning technology. Also, product tracking by use of passive micro Radio Frequency Identification devices (RFID), in or on all marijuana products will track every gram sold.
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