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Friday, June 14, 2013

The Real Solution to Agenda 21

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Agenda 21 is not a conspiracy theory. It is an easily viewable global plan that can be found executed in your local county. If you live near a metro area, you just need to look up your local county’s ‘comprehensive growth plan’ on Google to see the extent of this plan. You will see maps of your street, future train lines designed to transport workers to designated work areas, areas allowing mixed use, areas allowing 120 residential dwelling units per acre in Manhattan-like density, and maps of greenspace unsuitable for human habitation.

Anything built in the future must comply with this pre-drawn Agenda 21 map before being approved by the local building authority. How is it that zoning law, which was traditionally locally written, seems so suddenly uniform throughout the United States? Because the United States signed a global treaty in 1992, passed federal laws mandating that local counties write comprehensive growth plans, and arranged national educational seminars for unelected bureaucrats to attend. 
It is obvious that the plan is to create gridlock in the near future so that people will absolutely demand city-like design in the suburbs and welcome new infrastructure taxes. The problem is, it’s a one-size-fits-all policy designed by people in Brussels who have little clue how US suburban areas are built today. 

While New York could easily accommodate areas with 120 dwelling units per acre with its streamlined subway system, a suburb with a few winding residential streets will merely suffer impossible gridlock. A suburb has no room for train stations. Stores are so far apart from residential houses, that even if a train dumps you off at one destination, you will still need a ride home with a car through all of the gridlock. Nothing short of burning these suburbs down would do the trick of complete redevelopment Agenda-21 style.
Some people believe that Agenda 21 will create “urban provinces” and that citizens of one province will not be able to move to a new province without getting approval from the local housing boards. Others believe that food-mile rules will be imposed so that those living in an Agenda 21 province may not purchase fresh produce grown outside of a 25-mile radius with their EBT card. Perhaps each province will have a Labor and Career board as well that discourages children from freely making career choices in school that are incompatible with the Province’s needs. Each province will have federal pollution limits. Thus, each province may impose an individual tax on people who exceed their energy quotas. 

This energy usage will be measured on smart grids. If one travels too much, as shown by their vehicle’s smart monitor, they will be instantly penalized. Perhaps each province will have its own cyber-fiat-currency to protect citizens. The usage of this local currency could be promoted as a way to avoid global taxes. Yet this currency could be subject to wild uncontrollable bouts of inflation and deflation, stealing wealth away from citizens.

Some have noticed that Agenda 21 seems to promote arrangements for ‘community property’, like condominiums and co-housing where neighbors have the power to run the details of your living arrangements, like how high you turn up your music, or what types of plant pots are suitable for decorating your front porch. Such arrangements are found in Denmark. How ironic that Denmark was declared one of the happiest areas in the world on some unknown global happiness scale.
Thus, Agenda 21 seems like a perfect system for a global control grid. It seems like a slave prison with all the profits transferred offshore to a secret elite. Talk to your local neighbor, and he probably has never heard of Agenda 21. How can a plan decorated with words like ‘sustainability’, ‘green’, and ‘efficient’ be flawed?

Therefore, it is up to an individual to come up with their own solutions. Can an individual have his own individual garden? That may be hard if there are community water usage laws that forbid him to collect rainwater or use more than his rationed share of water. Can one just buy a bunch of land now when it’s cheap, before all the future waves of immigration and density hit? Well, this land may be highly taxed and financially infeasible to keep. Should one just plan to move to a rural area? Careers in these rural areas may dry up once expensive and strict building restrictions are imposed on these communities.

I simply say – back up – zoom out – don’t buy into the hysteria. Perhaps the ‘powers that be’ are wise. Perhaps the masses must be controlled, or they will sprawl all over the earth, over-reproduce, and cover it with cheap plastic Walmart goods.

Perhaps Agenda 21 is a global welfare system, and there will always be an opt-out clause remaining for a free-thinking individual. Sure, if you are on the Agenda-21 welfare ticket, you will only be able to buy local food per definition of your Agenda 21 province. If you go to a ‘free’ government school, you will only be educated to be a specialized cog in a complicated system and remain too dumb to accumulate wealth. If you want your government housing allowance, then you will need approval to move to a new province, and you will only live in pre-approved dense areas. If you have no individual thinking power or initiative, the community will simply make your choices based on what’s good for the survival of the group. How can you blame the community for going along with their community organizers?

The war is actually more of a spiritual nature rather than a material one, and you are merely fighting yourself with a little pressure from the outside. Are you a free-thinking individual who can balance your own checkbook, or are you merely a servant to the greater community that can never seem to get out of the red? Can you purchase a modest-sized parcel of land and preserve it, or must you pool your money with a condo association and obey complicated regulations? Can you take the risk of making your own career choice, or will you let province officials declare your safe career path? 

When I visualize the future, I merely see members of society suffering the tragedy of the commons repeatedly while never understanding that an individual must affirmatively declare responsibility for his own problems and assume his own individual risks. As a ‘stakeholder’ in an Agenda 21 community, your voice will inevitably be drowned out. However, as a stakeholder in your own personal future, you have the power to use creativity and initiative in all your thinking. With this attitude, you will actually benefit from a community-based system. The community will magnetically revolve around individuals who seem unaffected by seemingly unsolvable communal problems. They will beg for the latest, trendiest, self-promoted colorful hero to offer up a new creative quick-fix to a local community problem.

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