I guess that’s the biggest question so far in 2015: will we allow the Chicago Police Department get away with making people disappear without due process? Will a new standard be set in America where the basic protections (or what’s left of them) promised to us by the Bill Of Rights are completely gone?
In case you don’t know what I’m talking about, The Guardian reported on Tuesday that Chicago PD is literally snatching people off the streets, torturing and interrogating them, even killing at least one person, in a secret facility that is completely illegal. This horrible place is called Homan Square.
Suspicions are running rampant that this facility is not alone. There very possibly could be other sites like this in every major city in the country. This weekend and the following week, we will see if this standard will be set, or if citizens will rise to the occasion and stop this utter act of fascism.
There will also be an attempt on Saturday to shut down Homan Square at 3 pm CST at 3379 W Fillmore St. Chicago, IL. Event link here.
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Nick Bernabe writes for TheAntiMedia.org, where this first appeared. Tune-in to The Anti-Media radio show Monday-Friday @ 11pm EST, 8pm PST.
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