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Friday, August 22, 2014

Human Rights and Justice Committee Calls for Boycott

"Boycott Now!  We Demand our Human Rights!"

by Mark Daniels

The Human Rights and Justice Committee (HRJC), a grassroots organization in Missouri, is calling for a boycott of corporations and corporate media beginning Monday, August 25, 2014 until specific demands related to the shooting death of Michael Brown are satisfied.

In a Press Release made public via the HRJC Facebook event page, the grassroots organization says: "BOYCOTT NOW! WE DEMAND OUR HUMAN RIGHTS!", announcing a "National Day of Boycott against Banks, Businesses, and Retail stores as an act of solidarity and remembrance of the family of Michael Brown, Jr. and those of Eric Garner, LaVena Johnson, Trayvon Martin, John Crawford, Ezell Ford and countless other families that have had over 5,000 of their loved ones murdered by police, profiled, harassed, robbed, tortured, beaten, lynched, unlawfully arrested and framed by law enforcement officials and courts all over America...HRJC calls for Boycott for Human Rights, Justice, Peace, and Jobs to commence on August 25th, 2014, starting at 8 a.m. (EST), 7 a.m. (CST), and we will not stop until Michael Brown, Jr. gets justice and we make Human Rights, dignity, justice, and freedom the norm for all people In America".

I spoke to Yah Ammi, a founder of HRJC and host of an internet radio show, by telephone earlier today.  According to Mr Ammi, he and other activists began their work in Missouri several years ago as the Swip Poetry Chapter recently forming the Human Rights and Justice Committee with plans to expand nationwide.  During our conversation, Mr. Ammi explained that organizations such as the NAACP have abandoned the people of Ferguson, Missouri and those within government, specifically Barack Obama, Attorney General Eric Holder, and Governor Jay Nixon are not doing enough to address the issue of police brutality directed at minorities and others.  Mr. Ammi also called out corporate media, especially CNN and Fox News for "racist reporting".  When prompted he did not deny that MSNBC is likewise engaged in race baiting and racist reporting.  Upon reviewing HRJC's Facebook page, it's rather apparent that the organization's members have broken through the false left/right paradigm calling out Al Sharpton and others.

Regardless, Mr. Ammi indicated that the issue of police brutality and the militarization of police is a problem for everyone, regardless of race.  He invites all people to join him and the Human Rights and Justice Committee to stand in solidarity to oppose police brutality, racism, and police militarization across America.

The HRJC plans to continue the boycott until the following demands which were developed in conjunction with the Justice For Michael Brown Leadership Coalition are satisfied:

1. We demand that Darren Wilson, the officer involved in the
shooting death of Michael Brown be immediately fired from
Ferguson police department instead of remaining on paid leave.
We demand Darren Wilson be charged and vigorously prosecuted
for the murder of Michael Brown.

2. We demand that Missouri Governor Jay Nixon under the
emergency law clause he issued immediately remove St. Louis
County Prosecutor Robert P. McCulloch from the case involving
Michael Brown.

3. We call upon the United States Federal Attorney General Eric
Holder and Missouri State Attorney General Chris Koster to
investigate the policies and practices of the local municipalities in
Saint Louis and throughout the state of Missouri, that have
demonstrated a legacy of racial profiling. Accordingly, we call
upon those officials to develop penalties/policies to put an end to
those practices.

4. We call for the Missouri State Auditor Tom Schweich to do an
audit of the funds of the local municipalities that have
demonstrated a history of racial profiling. We demand
accountability of how much revenue is being generated from
traffic violations and how these funds are being spent.

5. We call for the Ferguson Mayor James Knowles and Police Chief
Thomas Jackson to immediately resign from their positions of
authority and if not we will call upon the people to immediately
do a recall of the Mayor of Ferguson.

The HRJC is also considering an appeal to the United Nations Human Rights Council and the Inter-American Court of Human Rights to address their concerns.

Please visit the Human Rights and Justice Committee today!

You can visit our Police Brutality article archive here.


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