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Thursday, September 12, 2013

Obama Regime Checkmated or Merely Stalled?

"NoBull Peace Prize"
Anthony Freda Art
Samm Simpson

Human beings around the globe anxiously await while the decrepit Obama regime fumble and tumble in their desire to destroy Syria and then Iran – and bring about the final confrontation. Whether a slip of Kerry’s tongue was feigned or planned, it has opened the door for Putin’s diplomacy. As most folks who peruse the Internet may suspect, a failure of diplomacy or a false flag event will provide cover for the Obama regime to brainwash Americans, get the Congressional votes and/or act on its own admission – or should we say its NWO master’s permission. Does America have the guts for impeachment? Hasn’t the loss of our civil liberties and the drones coming and the killing of American citizens with trial provide enough incentive? Or does one just need to only lie about having sex with Monica Lewinsky?

The 24/7 mendacity and mainstream pounding of the lie concerning Assad’s use of chemical weapons is status quo. If only some television pundit would shout, "There’s no real proof that Assad used the chemical weapons. It was the rebelsFlorida Congressman Alan Grayson publicly questioned this. As did the Russians, a German newspaper account and the Veteran Intelligence Professionals for Sanity. And, hasn’t it been proven ad nauseum that the United States of America is the world's biggest user of chemical weapons? And let’s add GMOs and Chemtrails to this mix, shall we?

I thought, on this anniversary of 9/11, that it would be appropriate to relive the testimony of a soldier who was sent to Iraq.

It is a sobering reminder that Empire building on the backs of young men and women – and killing over one million Iraqis – is a demonic enterprise. Add to that the dead, maimed, brain injured and suicidal results of U.S soldiers who were sold a lie – I am heartbroken that the mendacity and hypocrisy continues unabated, and will shout this from the rooftops until they take me out.

Here is one story about the Operation Iraqi Freedom's so-called rules of engagement by Jon Turner.

Finally, in closing, Parliament member and world activist to stop empire everywhere it rears its violent head, George Galloway, spoke in Sydney, Australia in July of 2013, shortly after the USA demanded their European puppets to demand that Bolivia's President Evo Morales’ jet be commanded to land.

This was, as you may recall, because the Obama regime thought Edward Snowden might be on board. It is a tough history lesson – and if it makes you bristle, so be it. But we are all propagandized, aren’t we?

Samm Simpson writes for Media is Propaganda, where this article first appeared.

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