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Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Pepsi’s Naked Juice ‘Exposed’, $9 Mil Deceptive Marketing Lawsuit Lost

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Aaron Dykes and Melissa Melton

And yes, that title IS a terrible pun…

PepsiCo., the biggest food company contributor (at a cool $2.5 million) to the defeat of California’s prop 37 right to know genetically modified food labeling law just got done losing a $9 million dollar lawsuit over the fact that the packaging on its Naked Juice product is completely misleading in nearly every way.

While it’s true that the juice does contain some fruits and vegetables, it is apparently anything but 100% fruit and/or vegetable juice or even remotely “all natural” considering it contains 11 chemical additives including a typically genetically modified soy-based indigestible fiber, an artificial sweetener, and even calcium pantothenate synthetically produced from formaldehyde.


Aaron and Melissa created, where this article first appeared, as an outlet to examine the news, place it in a broader context, uncover the deceptions, pierce through the fabric of illusions, grasp the underlying factors, know the real enemy, unshackle from the system, and begin to imagine the path towards taking back our lives, one step at a time, so that one day we might truly be free...

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