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Thursday, July 11, 2013

Libertarian Activist Adam Kokesh Raided and Arrested

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When plunder becomes a way of life for a group of men living together in society, they create for themselves in the course of time a legal system that authorizes it and a moral code that glorifies it ― Frederic Bastiat

Paul Lawrance

Police raided the North Virginian home of libertarian activist, podcast host and former Marine Adam Kokesh Tuesday evening over the open carry protest he staged on his own in Washington D.C. Freedom Plaza on Independence day.

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A press release from the Adam Vs. the Man podcast team describes the events:

On the evening of Tuesday, 09JUL13, at approximately 7:45 PM, a combination of US Parks Police (an arm of the DHS) raided Adam Kokesh’s residence. Local Herndon police assisted in the armed invasion. The officers used a battering ram to knock in the door after two knocks, and did not announce that they had a warrant. Immediately after breaking down the door, a flash bang grenade was deployed in the foyer. 
Numerous police vehicles, including a light armored vehicle and two low-flying helicopters barricaded Adam’s street. More than 20 armored SWAT team members surrounded the house, as well as a number of detectives, and plainclothes officers. Assault rifles were aimed on all members of the team as they were handcuffed without being told why they were detained. Masked and armored police in full “Storm Trooper” gear flooded in and ransacked the residence. The team was cordoned in a front room, while Adam was pulled aside for questioning.”
Police searched every corner of Kokesh’s home, taking cell phones and other personal items of those detained.

During the five-hour raid, the radio crew describes a "volatile desire to initiate aggressive, forceful conduct" upon them by the police as they were arrested.

The press release claims that Kokesh was kicked by a officer after he had asked to use the restroom.

The former marine is in custody at the Fairfax County Adult Detention Center.

What Kokesh actually did and the plunder of the law.

On Independence Day, when Adam Kokesh loaded a shotgun in Freedom Plaza, he was standing up for the universal freedom humanity is being deprived of.

Without stirring any violence, the gun was loaded in a act of disobedience toward a unconstitutional law, and off went Kokesh peacefully back home to Virginia.

But authorities say that Kokesh broke the law and can now face five years in federal prison.

For committing no act of aggression against anyone, it's possible to become a criminal in the United States. But this is no secret. Just take a look at the US prison system where victimless criminals make up 86% of its population.

Anyone who has seen the Adam Vs. the Man podcast understands that the principles Kokesh is advocating are similar to the ones of Gandhi and Rosa Parks.

Non-Aggression is so blatantly the message that Kokesh and his crew are trying to get across to those who listen to their five-day-a-week broadcast.

While Kokesh, who is hungry to live free, is out exercising his rights completely within moral grounds, the legal system is bearing down on him.

In this video below you can get a idea of what it is Adam Kokesh is all about.

The question is not: Is Kokesh a criminal?

The question is whether or not the law is working to protect freedom or to suppress it.

Police felt so threatened by the advocates of peace that assault rifles and helicopters were needed to detain them.

In the past, Kokesh has been the victim of unjust force used by those in uniform. During a flash mob protest at the Jefferson Memorial in Washington D.C. where activists gathered to dance in defiance of a court decision that ruled dancing at the memorial is illegal, Kokesh was slammed for moving and placed under arrest by police.

Paul Lawrance writes for Eyes Open Report, where this article first appeared.

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