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Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Will Colorado Senator Who Backed Strict Gun Control Law Face State's First Ever Recall Election?

Daniel Jackson

A Colorado lawmaker who championed some of the strictest gun laws in the country is now facing a possible recall after concerned citizens turned in twice the needed petition signatures to initiate the state's first ever recall election.

Democratic Senate President John Morse sponsored the new gun laws in Colorado and originally backed an even stricter law that would have made gun owners liable for damage caused by their weapons. Because of this, citizens within the state have risen up and are set to possibly remove him from office.

The Washington Post reported:

The opponents of Democratic Senate President John Morse said they turned in twice as many signatures as needed Monday to put Morse back on the ballot. Carting white paper boxes of petitions, the gun-rights advocates said Morse will pay for backing a series of gun control measures that were signed into law earlier this year. 
“This shot will be heard around the world,” said Bill Adaska, a retired engineer from Denver who volunteered to gather recall signatures in Morse’s Colorado Springs district. “This is the race, right here, that’s going to show Washington and Chicago that when you come after our guns, we’re going to take you out.” 
Adaska is referring to a gun-control package that made Colorado the first state outside the East Coast to significantly ratchet back gun rights after last year’s mass shootings in Aurora, Colo., and Newtown, Mass. The Colorado package included expanded background checks to include private and online gun sales, plus a 15-round limit on most types of ammunition magazines.
Morse responded to the possible recall election by claiming, despite evidence that the signatures were gathered through local grassroots activism, that national gun groups such as the NRA were targeting him over his support of new gun laws in the wake of the horrific Sandy Hook Mass Shooting.
“This turns into a national race,” Morse predicted. 
Even if he loses his seat, Morse said, the gun measures were too important not to adopt after a bloody 2012. He insisted that he’s never aspired to another office and wouldn’t mind losing his political career over the gun bills. 
“Keeping Coloradans safe from gun violence is very worth your political career,” Morse told reporters.
Sadly, either Morse is either incredibly naive or outright lying when he claims that the laws that were passed in his state were passed to specifically protect children.

Rather, as the facts have shown, most if not all of the reactionary laws passed before and after Sandy Hook would not have stopped the mass shooting in the first place. How taking away the gun rights of law-abiding citizens would somehow protect their children has also not been explained.

As politicians and special interest groups continue their desperate bid to disarm the American people, these same Americans will continue to fight back (as they have done in Colorado).

Colorado can and should be a building block for grassroots activism with a clear message. Attack our gun rights and you will lose office.

Daniel Jackson is a seasoned journalist with a passion for exposing corruption and the lies of the global elite. DJ has a passion for truth and liberty that is shown through his extensive reporting on numerous globally significant topics not normally covered by the corporate controlled media. He is is a writer, researcher and editor for The Daily Sheeple, where this article first appeared. Wake the flock up!

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