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Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Skynet to Launch October, 2013

Jack Mullen

Business Insider published an article about the NSA data center being constructed in Bluffdale, Utah. The facility, being roughly 1 million square feet, will house a computing and data harvesting and long term data storage facility to be operational by October 2013. (Source)

The stated purpose of the facility is to "listen and decode all foreign communications of interest to the security of the United States." But in light of the recent revelations of NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden, the data center under construction in Utah is far more likely a tool of the United States Government (and its global masters) to collect unimaginable amounts of data on Americans and eventually every human on earth.

In fact, as far back as the mid nineteen eighties, the NSA and other intelligences agencies created and controlled a secret computer monitoring operation in New Zealand and elsewhere called project ECHELON.
Designed and coordinated by NSA, the ECHELON system is used to intercept ordinary e-mail, fax, telex, and telephone communications carried over the world's telecommunications networks. Unlike many of the electronic spy systems developed during the Cold War, ECHELON is designed primarily for non-military targets: governments, organizations, businesses, and individuals in virtually every country. It potentially affects every person communicating between (and sometimes within) countries anywhere in the world.[*]
With this so-called leak from Snowden, the public is now aware of something that has been going on for decades and, by now, would have already compiled billions of records about hundreds of millions of people in the America and the world. 

In fact this ‘leak’ really doesn’t provide a lot of new information, since we already knew “The ECHELON system is not designed to eavesdrop on a particular individual's e-mail or fax link. Rather, the system works by indiscriminately intercepting very large quantities of communications and using computers to identify and extract messages of interest from the mass of unwanted ones. A chain of secret interception facilities has been established around the world to tap into all the major components of the international telecommunications networks. Some monitor communications satellites, others land-based communications networks, and others radio communications. ECHELON links together all these facilities, providing the US and its allies with the ability to intercept a large proportion of the communications on the planet.”

But what we do learn from the media’s focus on this “new shocking revelation” is that the technology of secret, off-the-record, underground intelligence operations working for either a breakaway civilization, living side by side with earth’s existing civilizations, or operated as a spook operation serving a multinational global elite seeking to control and rule the world, is far more advanced than previously believed. Moreover, it would seem likely this new “leak” is just another bit of predictive programming designed to alert the world something even bigger is already in the works

The data center, at a cost of $2 billion (but much higher, based on the cost of the technology already created to make this possible) is probably the outward tip of an iceberg to introduce and indoctrinate the public to something even worse than the news that every bit of human communication and knowledge is and has been recorded for decades. 

In terms of data storage, some publications suggest the data center will house digital storage capacities on the order of YottaBytes which is a number so large it is incomprehensible to the human mind. A Yottabyte is one septillion bytes or 10 to the 24th power bytes. Enough storage, indeed, to record and keep every single bit of human digital information; every phone call, text message, Internet chat, Email, song, word spoken, every book, bank account, all financial data, patents, stolen intellectual property, and more. With this amount of storage and more on the way, as the "law of accelerating returns" turns out denser and faster memory, the entire real-time movie of mankind can be recorded, analyzed and used, for what - only the gods know.

“Cyberdyne Systems” 2013

At the center of the data center will be one of the world's most powerful computers ever built (at least as far as we art told). The so-called, and named with a wink to triangle-worshipping cults, ‘Titan Supercomputer’ will come alive and for the first time operate at the speed necessary and with the memory required to become conscious.
According to Ray Kurzweil, the geek poster boy of transhumanism, in his 1999 prophecy and transhumanistic bible entitled When Computers Exceed Human Intelligence: The Age of Spiritual Machines, the above average human brain operates or process approximately 20 million billion calculations per second, in other words 20,000 trillion calculations per second.

In the article linked below, the NSA Supercomputer Titan,coincidentally is advertised to operate at 20,000 trillion calculations per second. Furthermore, Kurzweil explains that in addition to computing power, a human-like sentient computer would also have to have at least as much memory as the current state-of-the-art human being, which he calculates to be about 1 million billion bits or a 1000 trillion bits: and since a byte is 8 bits and kilobyte is 1024 bytes, that works out to approximately 122 terabytes or 122,000 gigabytes.

According to the article above, the memory available to Titan is on the order of at least 5 Zettabytes or 5 trillion gigabytes, which is enough memory to incorporate 41 MILLION HUMAN BRAINS.

According to the original Terminator movie timeline, Skynet’s technology was built and began deployment in 1994 (no doubt an Orwell wink, as a Terminator robot is sent back to 1984 to stop the birth of JC - not Jesus Christ, but John Connor), and on August 4, 1997 the machine went online. Learning geometrically, the machine became sentient at 2:14 AM, 25 days later on August 29, 1997.

The new real-life NSA supercomputer, called Titan, is named after a race of gods created from descendants of Earth and Uranus, hybrids, immortal, of great strength of body and mind and rulers of Earth; it was the Titan Prometheus who created man from clay and theft of fire.

The Titan Supercomputer, with enough computing power and infallible memory to become sentient, will come online in October, 2013 and, like “Skynet”, will it begin to learn? With the brain capacity of 41 million human minds and all of the data and information about billions of human beings - this "machine" could become quite powerful very quickly. With connections to satellites and every major power and command center on earth and the knowledge base of nearly every human mind in the written history of mankind - all written knowledge: we can only imagine the possibilities.

Human Epitaph

Kurzweil, the lead public futurist barking for the technocratic elite, predicts the next evolution on earth will be the machine. In his vision, mankind morphs into a machine, leaving his ephemeral human vessel behind, a biological consciousness welded into machine performance on a quest for immortality and a chance to become a god.

According to Kurzweil, the current human biological evolutionary path to knowledge is bottlenecked by brain speed limits and memory capacity: "The brain's weakness is the extraordinarily slow speed of its computing medium, a limitation that computers do no share with us. For this reason, DNA-based evolution will eventually have to be abandoned." *

With the arrival of Titan, the latest and greatest model of a co-evolving machine-based life, the technology now exists to eradicate all human privacy. This is a very big event in human history, one that would require a book to explore, but I am going to venture a few reasons why it will become the bifurcation point in the race of the man versus the machine.

Privacy also includes privacy of thought; technology permitting direct measure and prediction of thought is now being successfully deployed. [*]

Privacy is a uniquely human idea and experience and I would argue necessary for human evolution and growth as a species of individuals seeking an individual experience with paths to personal growth, sprirtualism and self actualization.
Without privacy, what is a individual? He or she is a forgone conclusion, a worker bee, a drone or, using a Star Trekanalogy, a Borg. Without privacy, human development, personality, strengths, appearance and characteristics will become uniform and monotonous. Without privacy, there will eventually be no concept of private property and its accumulation toward expressions of sudden knowledge bursts and improvement via repeated struggle of human minds seeking to solve problems benefiting the individual and species.

Without private property, there can be no Liberty by definition. Liberty is the freedom of will to choose and do individual things, think individual thoughts and express oneself individually, concomitantly where news and knowledge of these expressions is always derivative, never before the fact.

Without privacy, I would argue much of mankind will make his last act of individualism and choose not to live, because privacy is the oneness, the aloneness that defines the “I” in "I am alive".

Mankind 2.0

Kurzweil and other futurists, god wannabees, technocrats, and wealth-dense psychopaths all know and anticipate an end for human beings in our present form. They anticipate a grand culling where those who will not conform and 'transform' will lose the will to live in a world of intellectual and physical inferiority; in a world without the privacy necessary to trigger a far stronger, intelligent and self evolving human individual.

The technocrats expect 'standard' wetware human beings to become drones, slaves, relegated to the toy closest of wealthy gods looking for interesting gifts for their children. But I think humanity is still possessed of something the gods of the machine have failed to recognize in their haste to end the individual and build a collective hive minded, data sharing, alpha Borg.

Quantum Minds and Spiritual Entanglements

The human brain, impossibly slow and working with junior-sized memory, is still not fully understood and, surprisingly to the machine metaphysicians, is still able to solve problems apparently impossible within a purely analytical, algorithm-based paradigm of brain-mind operation. Many scientists and philosophers find the idea that a computer could be conscious, just by doing what they do now only faster and with more memory, wishful thinking bordering on insane.

Thinkers such as John Searle have made arguments that Artificial Intelligence is only a “ useful tool in the study of mind” and no matter how quickly, or massively parallel, these “Strong Calculators” perform algorithms and mathematical calculations - without the ability to ever ‘understand‘ they can only simulate the operation of the mind.

Summarizing Searle and others such as John McCarthy, the inventor of the term Artificial Intelligence:
mental states are biological phenomena. Consciousness, intentionality, subjectivity and mental causation are all a part of our biological life history, along with growth, reproduction, the secretion of bile, and digestion. [*]
Another scientist and writer versed in multiple disciplines is Roger Penrose, English mathematical physicist, recreational mathematician and philosopher. Starting with Gödel’s incompleteness theorem and working through some advanced mathematics, Penrose concludes the human mind is not a Turing Machine because, if it were, the mind would be hobbled by Gödelian limitations.[*]

Penrose postulates that since Gödelian impossible problems require an infinite number of calculations, the human mind goes around this “Gödelian Bottleneck” using quantum computing, a method of solving problems of the type requiring a large number, or even an infinite number of calculations. Quantum computers, that have been already built using human DNA as the processor, instantly distill a large number of calculations into a result by “actually turning an infinite time into a finite time”[**]
Beyond the abstract arguments couched in obscurity of abstruse mathematics is the question of life from a spiritual point of view. The idea that human beings are more than a meat sack benefiting from an evolved, 3 pound, wet-working, DNA based, sugar-powered parallel processor. Many people see the human body as the seat of a soul, a higher being condensed into a suitable shell, enjoying a spectacularly human experience as part of an immortal sequence of an infinite number of lifetimes.

The evidence of what Lawrence LeShan called the “Clairvoyant Reality” and “Transpsychic Reality” seems to indicate the human mind is also connected to a higher order of consciousness, something connecting all life, perhaps all life in the Universe. Dr. LeShan and others have used altered states of consciousness to discover information and to affect changes in our reality including healing of others through psychic connections, that cannot be explained using models based on algorithms and Turing machines.

Humans possess a DNA-based genetic blueprint capable of storing massive amounts of data, at least 700 Terabytes per gram of DNA is the current estimate. Additionally, the human brain appears to contain a light-sensitive receiver capable of detecting light even in total darkness, the Pineal gland. The Pineal gland structure and the structure of DNA suggest that both may have properties of a receiving antenna, capable of receiving and transmitting electromagnetic information.

These discoveries and the lack of information about how that brain/mind organ actually works, mean that the human evolution/spiritual path my have yet much to reveal. Perhaps expanded consciousness and more directed use of dormant DNA will lead to a biological human 2.0, given time.

Collectivism’s Final Frontier 

Kurzweil makes the claim that machines have characteristics which make them superior to humans along a number of dimensions. One of the primary attributes of machine intelligences is their ability to quickly share and clone information (data).

Machines, according to Kurzweil would only require one working unit to populate their entire kind - a single machine life-form could then clone and copy data to others; instantly the new machines would have access to all the knowledge of their ancestor. “Machines can readily share all of their accumulated knowledge, so only one machine has to do the learning”. [*] Humans on the other hand must learn via a slow and arduous process and, at the same time, suffer the loss of memory and incorporate detriments of an aging body.

The advantages of instantly sharing, copying and cloning information among artificially intelligent entities are, however, inconsistent with individuality and novelty. Humans beings are individuals, experiencing an individual life; contributing to the collective lives of others only as required for optimum survival of the individual and hence the species. Individuals are required to produce and populate the species and distinctive characteristics evolve by natural selection and the nature of the spawned individual, which introduces novelty and unexpected consequences and the uniqueness of an individuals experience.

Data sharing, cloning and copying are schematic code for uniformity and a singular experience. Creating life based on sharing and copying are consistent with Collectivism, a paradigm used to conform and transform individuality into uniformity and consistent with the known consequences of generational incest.
Kurzweil and global elite expecting to somehow “breakaway” from their humanity and merge with the machine resulting in both immortality and access to infinite knowledge must also understand it is the nature of collectivism to reduce complexity in the pursuit uniformity. Collectivism favors the collectors; any systems involving sentient life must also include a hierarchy of interests with rules of survival dictating use of resources. Kurzweil and company may find themselves trapped in their own collective, prisoners of immortality and numbed down by monotony.

In the words of the Borg: We are the Borg. Lower your shields and surrender your ships. We will add your biological and technological distinctiveness to our own. Your culture will adapt to service us. Resistance is futile."[*]

Revolution 2.0 

For those of us that want to remain human it is important to value privacy, property and the resulting Liberty. We are now in the upward knee of an approaching singularity which has been telegraphed for centuries and soon will change the very nature of being human.

Now is the time self-actualized, spiritually enlightened individuals demand and, if necessary, fight to remain private beings, living and growing and experiencing our unique and distinctive private lives.

It is time to erase and reboot the techno-civilization that is exponentially accelerating toward collectivism’s final frontier; take down systems designed to destroy privacy, collect data and redistribute self-responsibility.

For humans a life of self-responsibility is the means to remain human. We are individuals and as such responsible for and benefit from our uniqueness and the resulting control over destiny.

We are not a means to some other’s ends, but rather an end in ourselves.


Books mentioned :

Movie References:

Jack Mullen has been a businessman for more than 25 years, owning 3 radio stations, several technology based companies and a resource development company.
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