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Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Obama Bankrupts Coal, Boosts Fracking

Shutting Down Coal-Powered Plants Is Making Energy More Expensive, and Hydraulic Fracturing More Common

Aaron Dykes

All over America, coal power plants which provide stable, cheap energy are being shut down under Obama-led regulations and the C02 control agenda. Although coal is dirty, regulations have helped clean it up, and natural gas from fracking is worse … but hydraulic fracturing is exactly what Obama is using to replace coal – at great cost to the environment.

Based on what we already known about fracking, it is contributing to groundwater contamination, adding radioactive material into water supplies, creating at least minor earthquakes and tremors and otherwise creating massive pollution and contamination.

Yet, President Obama’s new Secretary of Energy, Ernest Moniz, is closely tied to the burgeoning industry, having helped promote the ‘fracking revolution.’ There is little wonder how he will play out his energy policy.

Meanwhile, Exxon Mobil and other big oil players are boosting production in shale-based natural gas obtained through fracking, it is becoming a major share of their business, approaching oil production.

Wind, solar and hydro forms of power may have potential on the individual, regional or theoretic level, but their viability on the mass scale has proven limited, and as such are mainly tools of propaganda and rhetoric, not energy independence.

While Wall Street-based carbon trading schemes and the fracking industry are busy raking in the profits, this new era of energy is only greener because it costs your family more $$ to supply it. Austerity and artificial supply limits will be used to charge more for less, as the rates for your household skyrocket in the coming years.

Don’t catch my drift? Just take a look at what Enron admittedly did with energy prices in Californiaafter it artificially shut down the electricity supply and jacked up rates many times over just to suck profits off of hard-working ordinary people.

AARON DYKES is a co-founder of, where this article first appeared. As a writer, researcher and video producer who has worked on numerous documentaries and investigative reports, he uses history as a guide to decode current events, uncover obscure agendas and contrast them with the dignity afforded individuals as recognized in documents like the Bill of Rights.

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