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Wednesday, February 6, 2013

School Suspensions Continue for Anything Remotely Gun Related

Activist Post

The hysteria surrounding the threat of gun violence continues at fever pitch. We have seen a string of school suspensions in recent years for ludicrous reasons such as:
And there are plenty more.

The latest comes from Arizona where a Florence student was suspended for having an AK-47 on top of a flag as his desktop background image. That's right: Daniel McClaine, Jr. was suspended for three days over a picture.
McClaine said the school initially suspended him for three days Friday.
Since the laptop belongs to the school, the district policy states students are prohibited from 'sending or displaying offensive messages or pictures,' and cannot access, send, create or forward pictures that are considered 'harassing, threatening, or illegal.'
McClaine said he read the guidelines but does not consider the picture threatening to anyone. (Source)
Ironically, Daniel is interested in joining the military, which is what prompted him to display the image in question.

The following video is jaw dropping for its sheer inanity. How can a serious intellectual debate survive amid such a climate of fear-mongering and absurdity? Your suggestions are welcome in the comment section. 

DHS Tips for Surviving Mass Shootings: Run, Hide, or Arm Yourself with Scissors 

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