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Saturday, September 1, 2012

The Truth About Most Vitamins and Supplements

Anthony Gucciardi


If you have been following the mainstream media for any length of time, you have most likely seen at least one major article discussing the ‘dangers’ of a particular vitamin. What these publications fail to tell you, however, is that most vitamin studies are actually examining synthetic forms of the vitamin. In other words, it was created in a lab using a medley of artificial chemicals and infused into many vitamins and supplements sold throughout the world. Synthetic vitamins like artificial vitamin A have actually been linked to birth defects, while food-based vitamin A is a beneficial substance at the right levels.Peer-reviewed medical research has also linked synthetic vitamin E to 8 associated diseases including cancer and DNA damage. But what about the natural form? Mainstream sources like CNN dishonestly reported that ‘vitamin E’ is causing cancer without actually specifying that it was the synthetic version studied. As a result, certain vitamins have been demonized incorrectly by these misleading studies. Vitamins, of course, are naturally present in food sources and have been consumed throughout the history of the human race.

They are also essential along with other vital nutrients in enhancing your immune system and subsequently fighting off negative conditions and enhancing your overall health. Vitamin D alone, for example, has been found to slash your risk of cancer as well as help to maintain the health of your teeth much more effectively than commonly prescribed mainstream medical treatments. Much more so than dangerous fluoride, even when applied topically.

The key is to ensure that your choice supplement does not have any fillers or synthetic ingredients, and to instead look for certified organic ingredients and food-based nutrients. You can always check the labels to ensure that the ingredients are organic, and it’s always best to go with a brand that you are sure does not use genetically modified ingredients (it may say this on the website or label, or you can always ask customer service before buying). This is of course also highly important in deciding which food to purchase for you and your family. As we’ve detailed in the past, many different ‘natural’ food companies are owned by mega corporations like Coca-Cola and Pepsi.

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This article first appeared at Natural Society, an excellent resource for health news and vaccine information. 

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