Dees Illustration |
The fact that the Internet is a revolutionary tool of communication is indisputable, which is underscored by the fact that the establishment is spending an inordinate amount of effort to control the free flow of information. Everything from piracy to cybersecurity threats are being rolled out to stack the deck against the free market of ideas that is the wrecking ball to the New World Order.
The infographic below puts the exponential power of this information into perspective. We rightly should be skeptical of the idea that social media has actually started physical revolutions, such as those we saw within the "Arab Spring," as there are other geopolitical maneuverings to consider (and we must know the true origins of the Otpor fist of "people power").
However, the central point of the graphic is spot-on. Knowledge is power, and if all information is revealed to the greatest number of people, then widespread freedom is guaranteed to be the result, as the truth will always prevail.
However, rather than become more responsive to the concerns of the public, as Mark Zuckerberg says in the graphic's citation, governments headed by globalist controllers are profoundly irritated by the need to respond at all.
Nevertheless, the genie is out of the bottle, and the power of information will continue growing and expanding exponentially until the mass awakening so feared by Elites is fully realized.
From the infographic creators,
Where were you when news of the tsunami hit Japan in 2011? How about when Michael Jackson died? Probably online, according to many experts who claim that social media has become the main media source for hundreds of millions of people. Not just in the U.S., either; Facebook alone has more than 900 million users spread across the globe as of 2012. Other social media giants like Twitter have facilitated revolution against unjust leaders and warned people of impending natural disaster. In fact, so many people regularly interact online that if the Internet were a nation, it would exceed the Americas, Europe and the Middle East combined in population. No wonder more than 13 million members of the online community used Reddit and other media platforms to protest SOPA, a proposed Internet censorship bill. Keep this graphic in mind next time you log on, because knowledge is power — and a little knowledge goes a long way in the Internet Age.
Infographic first appeared here:
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