And so it continued.
During my evaluation I noticed there was only a single sheet of paper on his clipboard. This paper had a series of characteristic labels with check boxes next to them on the top half of the page, and a place for notes on the bottom half. It seemed very unscientific and appeared to originate from a tear-away pad. It had a bold headline that read "See Something, Say Something: Threat Assessment Form".
I couldn't help but laugh at how dumbed down they had to make this form for the government agent who likely only spent ten minutes with my parents to check off enough boxes to trigger my detention. It reminded me of how McDonald's changed their cash register keys some years back to images instead of words and numbers to accommodate an illiterate workforce.
When the "doctor" was finished with his evaluation, I was escorted back to my cell for a few hours before my wife arrived at the facility with our good friend who also happens to be a brilliant lawyer. After filling out some more sophisticated paperwork, I was released and I returned home to the spirited embrace of my children.
To this I woke up from my nightmare, sweaty, but with a feeling of relief that only genuine love can provide.
The dream made me realize that all the years of silly propaganda aimed at demonizing peace and liberty activists had a distinct purpose. It was to be coupled with the expanding "See Something, Say Something" program to trigger a subconscious threat alert in unthinking citizens whenever they hear someone utter such anti-establishment views, thus halting the peer-to-peer flow of forbidden information.
I realized the government would rather not forcefully detain truth activists if they can help it, because that would alert the sleeping masses to their cruelty. Instead, they hope that intimidation and the occasional show of force will simply prevent more people from awakening.
But when the overly trusting generation begins to fade, they will have to deal with the Internet generation, like my children. The un-indoctrinated. Then, they will finally experience the full force of the peaceful revolution that will destroy them.
Read other articles by Eric Blair HERE
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