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Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Military Law in America: A Call to Action

YouTube - ASecond0pinion

The 2nd District Court of Appeals has just granted a temporary stay of Judge Katherine Forrest's injunction against the NDAA. Since May, Judge Forrest had prevented the NDAA from being used anywhere in the world. Now, the NDAA is back in full effect, bringing with it the Law of War.

Military law, as authorized under the NDAA, grants you no Constitutional rights whatsoever.

There is no First Amendment rights in the Law of War There are no 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th or 6th Amendment rights in the Law of War. The Law of War is anathema to our Constitution, our Bill of Rights, and everything America stands for.

Thanks to the Appeals Court, we again have military law in America.

Music: Breaking Benjamin - Blow Me Away

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