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Monday, August 27, 2012

No Way to Avoid Global Financial Collapse, Says Predictive Software

Susanne Posel, Contributor

Congressman Paul Ryan, appearing to want to facilitate a national discussion about the too-big-to-fail banks, is really just focusing the social attention toward the concept that these banks are “systemically important.”

As the mega-banks face the controlled demolition of the US dollar, they have taken the stance of victim to the implosion; and along with insurance companies, finance corporations, hedge and money-market funds are being touted according to the Financial Stability Oversight Council as being important institutions.

In America, the mega banks have been buying up smaller banks through mergers and acquisitions. While keeping their names to fool the American public into believing they are banking independently, these mega-banks (i.e. JPMorgan Chase, Bank of America, Citibank and Wells Fargo) are consolidating financial power by manipulating control over the banking industry without answering to any regulatory body.

The governmental intervention into saving the mega-banks is called “constructive ambiguity.” This term refers to the banks being subsidized by the US government with cash pay-offs. An estimated 70% of some of the mega-banks' worth is provided by the government.

Meanwhile HBSC has assisted in the money laundering of terrorist groups such as the Mexican cartels during the Fast and Furious scandal.
Barclays was the originator of the Libor scheme where interest rates to the tune of trillions of dollars that were siphoned from mortgages, loans and investments that was meant to cause countries to declare sovereign debt to the banking cartels so that they will own the nations of the world.

By manipulating municipal bond sales, Bank of America has defrauded schools, hospitals, states and local governments.

Goldman Sachs purposefully lied to investors in 2010 to defraud them out of money that they used to reallocate to debt, which caused the cash to disappear into the coffers of the banking cartels.

JPMorgan Chase financed Enron Corporation by manipulating investors with fake research on the worth of stocks and bonds. This caused the loss of millions. Military families were over-charged for mortgages – even while active duty soldiers were stationed overseas in Iraq and Afghanistan their families in the US were being foreclosed on.

Citigroup also financed Enron Corporations and fraud clients for billions of dollars by selling stocks and bonds at WorldCom. The fake investments were mortgage-backed securities.

After committing fraud and siphoning wealth from the populations of sovereign countries, here in the US, the banking cartels domestically are preparing for the devaluation and purposeful destruction of the US dollar.

A complicated algorithm called DebtRank foretells of financial crises globally. The development team of DebtRank has realized that because of confidential global transactions of the global Elite through the worldwide stock market, there cannot be an aversion to a central banking controlled financial collapse.

In response to the coming implosion, the Federal Reserve Bank is inventing electronic fiat currency. This keeps the Ponzi scheme going. On the surface it all appears to ok. However, undercover and out of the general public’s sight, the manipulation of insurance rates, market values, mortgages are directly contributing to the complete banking system collapse.

Strangely, the Obama administration has been demanding that the technocrats in the Eurozone keep propping up Greece until after the November elections in the US.

In an October meeting the International Monetary Fund (IMF), the European Central Bank (ECB) and the European Commission and representatives of Obama will come together to discuss stratagem on how to benefit the most from the fall of Greece.

The representatives in this meeting believe that Obama is a better facilitator of their agendas then Romney.

Obama has commented to aides on a trip to Chile:

I’m going to other parts of the world and they’re showing me tremendous investments in infrastructure and innovations in education. They’re willing to spend money on that. The Republican budget reflects a fundamental pessimism. It says that to get the deficit in line, we can’t afford to be as visionary as these countries, and we can’t be optimistic because they’re not willing to let an extra penny come from high-income people.
Obama’s vision for America includes shrinking infrastructure to facilitate a Facist Communistic rule.

The Obama campaign has focused on the divide-and-conquer scheme of racial loyalty and white man’s guilt is being exploited.

In the political realm, fear-mongers are touting that the Tea Party is being propped up to become the target of the U.S. government as a threat to continuity of government; while in reality US veterans are being detained in mental wards across the country because of the real danger they pose to the contingency plans for martial law.

These plans are entwined in the coming financial collapse, the November elections, and the demonization of US veterans in the mainstream media.
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Susanne Posel is the Chief Editor of Occupy Corporatism. Our alternative news site is dedicated to reporting the news as it actually happens; not as it is spun by the corporately funded mainstream media. You can find us on our Facebook page.

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