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Thursday, August 16, 2012

After recent shootings, Americans reject renewed calls for federal gun controls

DALLAS, August 6th, 2012 – After the Aurora, Colorado tragedy law-makers, gun control advocates and media pundits predictably called for tougher federal laws. This reactionary process is reliable: a horrific crime sparks circular blame and the disarmament agenda is exalted.
Within days of the shooting, Rupert Murdoch was tweeting, Michael Moore appealed to emotion and Bill O’Reilly called for federal oversight of “heavy weapons”. The establishment cannot resist exploiting opportunities to promote an anti-firearm platform.
Despite media hysteria, however, the national mood shifted against new federal restrictions. According to Pew, 72% of Republicans, 55% of independents and 27% of Democrats feel protecting gun ownership trumps “controlling guns”.
As American gun ownership hits record highs awareness that “gun control laws” do not keep guns from criminals grows. Sensing this shift, most politicians sprinted from post-Aurora gun control discussions, knowing it was election season poison.
But after ABC reported that Senate Democrats would not introduce new federal laws, notorious gun-grabbers Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.) and Sen. Chuck Schumer (D-NY) broke ranks.
Without national debate or discussion, an extreme gun control amendment was quietly attached to the controversial Cybersecurity Act of 2012 (S. 3414) or CIPSA. What does gun control have to do with “cybersecurity”? Nothing, but politicians habitually subvert political processes by attaching unrelated measures to avoid alerting constituents.
This “assault weapon ban” would have criminalized popular semi-automatic ammunition magazines and feeding devices exceeding a mere 10 rounds. Hastily written and dangerously vague, the amendment also banned 184 popular firearm models, as well as any new guns with certain features. Millions of America’s 270 million guns used for protection, hunting and recreation would have become illegal to buy, sell and perhaps own.
It was unclear whether citizens would have been forced to surrender private property, which federal agency would enforce the ban or whether losses would be compensated. In response to this brazen rights infringement, citizens bombarded the Capitol Hill call center urging their senators to vote “no” on the Schumer amendment. Last week, CISPA and the attached amendment were defeated in the Senate.
Second Amendment organizations are relieved, but remain vigilant. Federal gun control initiatives are a legislative zombie; regardless how often they are killed, they keep coming back.
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