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Sunday, June 26, 2011

WWIII in Libya AND Syria in Days

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Anthony Freda Illustration
Chris Kitze
Before It's News

A trusted Before It's News source, one who told us about Osama bin Laden's death four hours before it was reported in the mainstream media, has alerted Before It's News that big moves are afoot in the Middle East.

"The real war is going to start in Libya and Syria in seven days.  It might be a few more days than that, but it's definitely coming."

Upon first hearing this news, this long term military intelligence officer told me "I'm really shaken, today, I don't know what to say, I don't know what to do."  He believes this is the start of WWIII.

According to this source, there are a number of factions in the military, some of which are concerned that they would be operating without the consent of Congress and that it could precipitate a constitutional crisis about the legitimacy of this kind of order from the Chief Executive without the express approval of Congress who have been considering legislation to eliminate funding for any actions in Libya.

On the other side are groups in the military that "never saw a bomb they didn't want to drop", the source said.  The source continued "we don't have the manpower because the entire continent of Africa is going to come unglued.  You jump Libya and Syria, you jumped Iran.  You're going to find out real soon whether or not Iran's got nukes because they aren't going to care at that point, it's an existential threat to them."

Military analysts have noted the vast size of the African continent and the difficulties of waging war in that region.  The U.S. military created AFRICOM to coordinate the various military bases and branches in Africa.

"There will be clues coming through the news over the next few days, but all the assets, the aircraft carriers, submarines and so on are already in place for this kind of operation" he added.  He is also deeply concerned that if this comes to pass, the Chinese and Russians will be forced to jump in as well (on the other side).

To stay abreast of the latest developments, be sure to visit Before It's News.

6 Reasons to Start WWIII If You Are a Globalist 


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