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Saturday, June 4, 2011

Why Oath Keepers Is Dangerous

Saman Mohammadi -- The Excavator

Whenever any government in any country is taken over by lawless and power mad traitors they naturally demonize the people and the defenders of individuals freedoms as "terrorists," and "extremists" to divide and rule the nation. This is the case in America today, where armed agents of the state have been brainwashed to be on the lookout for "domestic terrorists" and "right wing extremists" in the guise of groups like the Oath Keepers.

The Oath Keepers is a non-partisan, apolitical group of current soldiers, veterans, fire fighters, and police officers who have pledged to honor their oath to defend the Constitution of the United States and disobey officials orders that are clearly in violation of the Constitution and Bill of Rights.

Oath Keepers is considered dangerous and treated like terrorists by the tyrants who have hijacked the U.S. government because they have promised to protect the rights of American people and keep their oaths to the Constitution. Oath keeping is frowned upon by the mainstream media and the political establishment because in the twisted world of these traitors and rats to do good is evil and to do evil is good.
It is a sad age when nobility is demonized as terrorism and oath keeping is cynically called a "looney" act and a product of "paranoid conspiracy theories." This is what the world has come to. This shows how far America has fallen. Treasonous tyrants in Washington feel free to throw dirt on true warriors like the Oath Keepers while they deceive tens of thousands of other warriors to fight in pointless, criminal and unending wars overseas that are based on total lies.

I just finished watching the war documentary 'Restrepo' and I am pissed that soldiers who signed up to defend their country are killing and dying for a lie. They are being wasted and ruined.

The war profiteers and devilish traitors who staged the 9/11 attacks couldn't care less about the deaths of thousands of soldiers and hundreds of thousands of innocent people. They have no honor or conscience. An oath means nothing to these heartless freaks. Human life is not precious to them. All they care about is power and control. They are the real lunatic fringe of modern society, not the people who question the 9/11 attacks or the people who believe following your conscience and keeping your oath is a sacred duty.

John R. Holmes, author of an essay called 'Oaths & Oath Breaking: Analogues of Old EnglishComitatus in Tolkien's Myth,' that appears in the book "Tolkien and the Invention of Myth: A Reader
,"says that making and keeping an oath is "central to the heroic code."

The last thing that the tyrants in Washington want is a new age of heroes.  Individuals who are serious about protecting individual rights and defending freedom are threats to the rotten establishment. That is why Oath Keepers and defenders of the Constitution are being accused of treason and denigrated in the media. They are promising to fulfill an oath that the political leadership of both parties and Congress abandoned long ago. Obama and Bush would rather see America perish from the Earth than be prosecuted for their crimes against the Constitution, and crimes against humanity.

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