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Friday, April 8, 2011

TV Series "Whistleblowers - the Untold Stories" -- UA Pilot and Spokesperson, Dan Hanley, Now Missing

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Whistleblowers, the unsung heroes of American society, are routinely persecuted, prosecuted and terrorized by the government, in an effort to discredit their reports, deny their constitutional rights, destroy their lives and careers. We will bring their shocking stories to the public. The truth is no longer a secret.

KEY UPDATE:  From an article by Julia Davis at The Examiner 

Concerned whistleblowers and family members of the former United Airlines Pilot Captain Dan Hanley report that this outspoken whistleblower advocate has seemingly vanished 3 weeks ago. Dan Hanley has been actively serving as the national public spokesperson of the Whistleblowing Airline Employees Association for the last 7 years. Captain Hanley’s and the Whistleblowing Airline Employees Association Facebook pages with over 10,000 friends have disappeared and the Association’s official website,, has been “frozen”.

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