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Monday, March 21, 2011

Levels of Radiation Rapidly Rising Near Ibaraki Prefecture, Closest Area To Fukushima That Isn’t Under Survey

Shepard Ambellas and Alex Thomas
The Intel Hub

Update: Mike Rivero of WhatReallyHappened has noted the large increase and also speculated that it may actually be from another power plant.

Coincidentally, Kyodo News reported on the 13th of March that a cooling system has broken at Tokai No. 2 Power Station in the Ibaraki Prefecture. At this point we do not know if the rising levels are directly connected but obviously it is a possibility and something to continue to follow.

This power plant has had previous critical problems. – Via

In the midst of a horrific earthquake and tsunami, Japan is on the edge as the world awaits word on the status of the Fukushima nuclear power plant.

In the immediate days after the disaster, the corporate media covered the situation 24/7, experts appeared on mainstream networks with warnings about radiation danger and possible exposure in highly populated areas such as Tokyo.

Then, almost on cue, the United Nations imposed a no fly zone over Libya and coverage of the Japanese nuclear disaster went from information overload to almost nothing.

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