UPDATE: December 30th, 2010
Philip Brennan
Due to the nature of gag orders I have to be circumspect with what details I give out here, so I apologise for the sketchiness of this update. I am sure you all understand.
Stephanie Janvrin and Johnathon Scott Irish are still pursuing custody of Stephanie's two boys, Kamon and Jonathan. It is likely to go to the Supreme Court soon, which is why we have been circumspect in reporting the case. Johnathon has expressed confidence that the Supreme Court are likely to find in their favour with regards to both custody and full parental rights over the boys, which could explain the actions of the New Hampshire Child Support Division, as written about earlier.
Meanwhile, the family are still struggling to make ends meet, especially with regards to legal costs. Those who can aid this family in their legal costs can send donations to the following care-of address:
41 Campground RD
Northwood, NH 03261
Northwood, NH 03261
I would assume that cheques can be made out to either Stephanie Janvrin or Johnathon Irish.
As always, I will update you all with information concerning this case as and when I receive it.
Philip Brennan
On Wednesday the 29th of December, Stephanie Janvrin received a demand for $4119.33 from the New Hampshire Child Support Division with menaces. The demanded money is for the "maintenance" of her other two children in care, Kamon and Jonathan, who were taken illegally from Stephanie and Jonathon's custody in relation to false allegations which were later disproved during the Baby Cheyenne custody battle earlier this year.
There is no evidence to suggest that the two boys ever came to any sort of harm under Stephanie and Johanthon's care, but still, the CPS removed their children from their care for purely spurious and political reasons before Cheyenne was born.
The legal battle to obtain the return of these boys into the rightful care of their parents is still ongoing, and due to gag orders and other constraints, we have been unable to report this despite our wishes to do so.
The demand for $4119.33 is due on the 1st of January 2011, a mere four days away, and this couple do not have the means to pay such a demand. Failure to pay this amount could mean that Stephanie Janvrin runs the risk of imprisonment.
The baby Cheyenne case
On the 7th of October this year, the CPS in New Hampshire took Stephanie and Jonathon's new born daughter into custody shortly after birth. They used spurious reasons for doing so, including, but not limited to, Jonathon's association with Oath Keepers, a political organisation dedicated to reminding serving police and military personnel of their oaths of office under the US Constitution. The New Hampshire CPS described this group as a "militia", which is both inaccurate and libellous.
Another false charge levelled against Jonathon Irish is a supposed former criminal history, which was later found in a court of law to belong to another John Irish with a totally different Social Security Number. This was either a gross case of mistaken identity or a deliberate attempt by New Hampshire CPS to slander Jonathon Irish during the ensuing custody court battle.
While baby Cheyenne was in the custody of foster parents, evidence came to light of either gross neglect or sexual abuse, which the CPS first tried to cover up, and when this failed on the testimony of a Sheriff who was present when the evidence was uncovered, they then tried to pin the blame on Jonathan. Fortunately for this couple the Sheriff was having none of this, and backed them up to the hilt against the CPS.
The Sheriff even tried to get baby Cheyenne to a specialist doctor to gain forensic evidence against the foster carers for either neglect or abuse, but the CPS blocked all moves in this direction.
The following day, October the 14th, Stephanie Janvrin and Jonathon Irish appeared in court for the custody of Baby Cheyenne, which they duly won. Their daughter was returned to their custody later that afternoon.
Since then, both Stephanie Janvrin and Jonathon Irish have been engaged in a legal battle to have their two boys returned to them. Due to gag orders I have not been able to report on this matter, and I myself am still waiting to hear the status of this case.
This demand with menaces for $4119.33 through the New Hampshire Child Support Division is a continuation of the constant harassment of this couple through the CPS. As I wrote in an earlier report, child stealing by the state is often used as a weapon of political terror against those who are politically active, or who are classed as dissidents or enemies of the state. This first started in Stalinist Russia, and spread to Nazi Germany, post-war East Germany (DDR) and later to Maoist China. It appears that this weapon of political terror in order to chill free speech is now becoming more prevalent here in the west.
I will keep you updated on this case as I get further developments.
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