Orwellian DoubleThink Series, Part 6
One is never safe living under a tyrannical form of government. If we have learned anything from George Orwell's work, it is to recognize the DoubleThink that tyrannical minds employ in order to make us believe that we would somehow be safer living in a world of total control, as opposed to complete freedom. The Orwellian world is one where a government bureaucracy legislates more and more centralized power, as their agents descend on every facet of our lives to enforce constant penalties meted out at their discretion. The main strategy is to be sure citizens are always in violation of something.
Just this past month a wave of freedom-smashing legislation has washed over the planet, led by the United States. It seems that every new bill which has been introduced is an abject assault on freedom, yet always contains a reference to keeping us safe.
Here are two of the most significant tyrannical bills which could dramatically reshape the way we live. These are coming to vote, and must be immediately opposed by anyone who wishes to live in a free society:
Combating Online Infringement and Counterfeits Act -- S. 3804 This could be the key legislation that, if passed, will end free speech on the Internet. Sponsored by Patrick Leahy, this would allow the U.S. Department of Justice the power to block sites in the U.S., or block overseas sites by court order. The “Combating Online Infringement and Counterfeits Act” would empower the U.S. Department of Justice to shut down, or block access to, websites found to be dedicated to infringing activities. Oppose this bill here.
Food Safety Modernization Act -- S. 510 Some have demonized the bill as ultimate food fascism where the FDA will micromanage even small farms and co-ops to the point where it will become illegal to grow, share, trade or sell homegrown food. One thing is for sure, S.510 gives more power to the corrupt FDA to regulate our food. And there is renewed interest in the Senate to pass this bill after the recent massive egg and meat recalls due to salmonella and E. coli outbreaks. Oppose this bill here.
These two proposals are among many that should be of concern not only to U.S. residents, but to the global population. Global corporations are working hand in hand with governments worldwide to fulfill their modern Orwellian agenda of full spectrum dominance bylegislating their way to tyranny.
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