by Sonja Quinn on Saturday, September 11, 2010 at 5:04am
I have to wonder....
These NWO guys that are running the show are pretty smart. They've duped us time and time again. Surely they would know that there would be physicists, demolition experts, engineers etc out there who would immediately recognize the falling of the twin towers as a demolition. So it makes one wonder why they would do it? It also makes the skeptics go against the idea that there are forces out there working behind the scenes because immediately you think "they wouldn't be that stupid to try and get away with something like this..." and also sends people into denial.
So here's my theory:
What do the people in control want? Well in this case they clearly wanted control of Iraq's oil reserves and even some are saying that that may have been a cover up or a bonus to what they REALLY went in to Iraq for; which was ancient Sumerian texts and artifacts kept in the museum in Baghdad. This is something I heard about only briefly one day, I don't know much about it but I wouldn't be in the least bit surprised either. I will let you all do your own research on this if you want to know more and make up your own mind. I'm not here to convince anyone of anything. I'm here to share a truth that resonates with me.
So what do all people in control want? More money, more power and more control. People who have power are blinded by power trips and by greed. If they can get more of what they want, they tend to be very short-sighted in their plans as long as they get what they want i.e not caring if they get found out in the long run.
I would say they clearly got more of what they wanted. This attack or perceived attack granted them public approval for the occupation of Iraq. Through this occupation they gained more MONEY from the oil, more CONTROL over the oil and Iraq, and therefore more POWER. They also gained more CONTROL and POWER over the people of the US and even the majority of the world, or at least the western EU countries, through the FEAR that the "attacks" have ingrained in everyones memory. This fear led to citizens clinging to their government for security. Through this fear they also gained more profit, MONEY. They got more money out of us because if you think about it.....what do people who are in fear do? They eat more, they drink more, they self-medicate more through legal or illegal drugs; through television; through facebook; through videogames, they take out more health insurance, home insurance....they basically try to "numb out" more. And through this self medicating with toxins, and brainwashing tv...they gained even MORE CONTROL. Television keeps us locked in this fearful reality. Toxins in junk food, alcohol and drugs of all kinds prevent our body from functioning properly which keeps us from realising our true selves and our true nature! (The body-mind-soul is a trinity of inter-dependant organisms that need to work together and be fully functional to realise our true potential. If one is impaired, they are all impaired.)
And yet, 10 yrs later we are still obsessing over trying to prove to people that this 9/11 thing was a false flag attack, while they are laughing their way to the bank. Its got us obsessing over the nitty-gritty details, what actually happened, campaigning, protesting, sitting around feeling angry and discussing the whole "us vs. them" scenarios, blame, projecting of the evil out there, bitterness, resentment, unforgiveness. These are all unevolving, unloving, unforgiving, unforgetting vibrations that keep us trapped in past moments and projecting into future moments. Do you really think they care that you know what really happened on 9/11? No! They already have what they want, more money, more power, more control and most importantly, keeping you all occupied on the past and on the negative while the 2012 gateway opportunity of evolution and spiritual growth gets closer and closer. You can think what you want about the 2012 theories. Whether they are bogus or not is up to you to figure out and decide. I am speaking my truth and I know what feels right for me. I can say this as an Indigo who has been guided by a higher intelligence since I was young. I have no fear about "shadow governments" or NWO plans etc because I know who I am and what my relationship is to God, the Universe. I am safe. We are all safe. But if we are spending all our time worrying about 9/11 and what the NWO is doing, do we have the time to look into the truth of what 2012 really means? Or who the Indigo children are? Or to have time to yourself to go within and find your power, your higher guidance, your safe place, your strength and inner realisation that there is nothing to fear? Do you have the time to step outside of your localised viewpoint to look at it from a grander perspective and really see what is going on in this this Uni-verse? If you are constantly worrying about the NWO do you have the time to realise that we are going through a process of spiritual evolution and this is the most exciting time to be alive!!!
Turn off your tv's, radio's, videogames, and minds. Go outside, reconnect with Nature. It will show you well being, it will show the way to find who you really are. Talk to Mother Earth herself and ask her about the process of change that she is going through. Just like animals know to run to high ground when a tsunami is coming, if we reestablish our connection to our Mother and the Cosmos, we will be Divinely guided in every moment of our lives towards peace, happiness, understanding, compassion, truth and love. There truly is nothing to fear.
Forget the past, let go of the future, step into the now and ride this wave of evolution that our whole galaxy is going through. (Ask astronomers and physicists. Ice caps are melting on other planets in our solar system, not just ours. Not even our solar system but our WHOLE GALAXY is going through a process of evolution. This is what the Mayans tracked in their calendar. To the Mayans time was cyclical, a spiral. Their units of time measured evolutionary changes in the Universe.)
So feel the love. Meditate. Go within and listen to the soft reassuring whispers of the Universe. Wake up. Notice the signs and guidance all around you from the Universe. Raise your vibrations. Love, love, love. I know it sounds cliched and it does when you don't understand it, but it is true. Love is all there is and there is no other way out of fear and negativity except through love and the present moment. If you keep fearing, hating, angering you are sending out those vibes into creation. Mother Earth needs our love and healing right now, why are we wasting our energy on beings who do not care for us i.e. the 9/11 instigators. Why are we giving them all our energy and handing over all our power? There is no point trying to use external methods to regain our power. Your true power does not come from them, your sovereignty does not come from them, your freedom does not come from them. It comes from you. Yet the more time we spend thinking about trying to get it back from them, the more we are giving it to them!!
Wake up, step into the present moment. Look around you with clear eyes. Really look. Feel your body while you are looking. Be totally in the body while you perceive. To feel the body takes attention from the mind and it goes quiet. When its quiet, do you notice how everything looks new? Like you were seeing through the eyes of a new born baby? This is the wonder of the world that is always there but covered up by the veil of concepts and labels that thought processes produce. Open your heart and send love out to your surroundings, to everyone and everything whether animate or inanimate. It is all you. Everything is you. Everything is us, I. The great I Am. There is nothing to fear, it is all us out there.
"Resist ye not evil"...for what you resist persists.
What you fight, you strengthen....what you LOOK at disappears.
When you truly open your eyes and look at the perfection of everything, you see through the illusions. Look at history, look at the present, and look at what the Mayans are saying about where we are going to go in the future. See the bigger picture. LOOK at it.
If you fight the NWO you will surely strengthen it by giving it your attention and energy. If you look through the illusion it disappears. Nothing happens in God's world, in God's/Universe's plan that shouldn't be. I see 9/11 as a way of awakening sleeping souls. Yet there is another level of awakening to be reached.
I see these states of consciousness/ steps of awakening happening lately:
Live Superfoods
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