Sad but true, FOX News has successfully co-opted the entire Tea Party back under the Neo-Con controlled tent of the GOP.
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The Tea Party is primarily comprised of older Americans. | |
With Glenn Beck and Sarah Palin’s Restore America Rally posting numbers well over the 100,000+ mark we have to analyze exactly how the “social architects” accomplished this incredible feat.
The Tea Party is largely made up of Republicans, Independents and some Democrats shown in a major study quoted by CBS News in April.
“More than four in 10 self-described members of the Tea Party also identify as either Independents or Democrats, according to a recently released, comprehensive survey.Yet the Tea Party’s priority appears to be fiscal conservatism, and the group by large margins trusts Republicans in Congress over Democrats to solve the country’s problems.In a collection of three national surveys conducted by the Republican-leaning Winston Group, 57 percent of Tea Party members called themselves Republicans while 28 percent said they were Independents, and 13 percent said they were Democrats. Two-thirds of the group identified as conservative, but 26 percent said they are moderate and 8 percent called themselves liberal.”
The majority of those who first came to be associated with the Tea Party back in 2006 and earlier are people who split from the GOP after the atrocious human rights and unconstitutional actions of the Bush administration revealed their true colors as war mongering fascists. These are all people who recognize the two party system as being totally controlled opposition bringing in none other than a New World Order in place of America’s sovereignty.
This early Tea Party movement was all about ending unjust wars, stopping the North American Union, and eradicating the fraudulent institution called the Federal Reserve. They were mobilizing against such things as wire-tapping, and spying on American citizens without warrants, the encroaching police state, the economic collapse and other issues that were legitimately threatening our republic. They did this during, and against the Bush administration alongside the anti-war left.
So what happened to the Old Tea Party?
Who are all the newcomers to the Tea Party movement? How did it massively balloon in size in a matter of a couple years and is now made up of the same war mongering, Muslim hating, neo-cons that the Bush admin was comprised of?
Easy, the answer lays in the FOX News demographics and average age of their viewing audience. Fox news viewership according to a survey conducted by Steve Sternber, places the average age of any given FOX News watcher at 65 years old.
“According to a survey released by media analyst Steve Sternberg, Fox News’ average viewer last season was aged 65, the oldest audience among fully distributed cable networks.CNN wasn’t far behind, though — its average audience was 63. MSNBC was a perky 59. CNBC is the young turk at 52.”
The technological divide
The early Tea Party was comprised of college students and working adults who having been exposed to the internet at a very early age and the informational renaissance that it had to offer. These young people mobilized against real issues that threatened our nation. Issues like ending the Federal Reserve, warrant-less wire-tapping, unjust and endless war. Things they learned about on the internet and not on T.V. or in universities. They didn’t buy into the two-party false dialectic and actively opposed the corporate sell off of our country to the New World Order System.
This tech savvy generation translated over into the massive Ron Paul Revolution in 2008 and is still going strong, is very patient and growing in numbers, but compared to traditionally conservative Fox News watchers still a minority demographic.
A renaissance has occurred underneath the radar of our nations millions of traditionally conservative seniors. Documentary films like America: Freedom or Fascism (VIDEO) which explains the fraud that is the private Federal Reserve system, or the Obama Deception (VIDEO)that tears apart both Bush and Obama administrations as slaves to the elite agenda of a New World Order, or 9/11 exposing films like Core of Corruption (VIDEO) that methodically destroys the official story remain just out of reach because simple ignorance of basic computer skills.
This over 65+ demographic is traditionally computer illiterate. They still type domain names into the Google bar of their browser because URL addresses are a foreign language to them. In fact their technological skill set is really limited to emailing and flipping their cable box to Fox News in eager anticipation of Glenn Beck and Jack Baur style terrorist busting.
This technological gap in the elderly population is what has allowed FOX News to continue to shape the collective fear of an entire generation. In fact if you look at pictures of Tea Party rallies and who is in attendance a large percentage of people are sporting silvery/white hair. This is just a fact.
The commies have taken the Whitehouse
Another thing that has totally been overlooked is the constant use of the term ‘socialist’, ‘communist’, ‘radical left-wing agenda’ to describe Obama. This rhetoric is purposefully preying on the sentiments of the childhood, cold war traumas of the 65+ generation. The purpose is to pit the U.S. and Israel against a very un-likely nuclear Iran, just like the nuclear stand-off with the godless communist countries of the 60’s – 80’s. The political tool of nuclear threat has been resurrected by the Bush administration and continued by the Obama administration in the guise of so called “Islamo-Fascist” nuclear threat.
We need to worry less about the failed presidency of Obama and more about whether the real controlling elite will set a nuke off in America and blame it on the Tea Partiers who are being played up as violent extremists at every turn. Glenn Beck, Sarah Palin, Fox News and the Republican Party have monopolized control over the Tea Party. This technological divide needs to be bridged by those of us who are associated with the old guard and can educate their Gadsden waving elders on who the real enemies are in this nation.
DVD truth documentaries play a big role in this educational process. Seniors may not be able to adjust their screen resolution from 800×600, but they do know how to operate a DVD player.
The only thing that will wake them up to the Truth that Glenn Beck lies by omission is when they see exactly what has been omitted on their very own T.V’s.