Feds To Protect Drug-Dispensing Postal Workers From “Violent Crowds”
Obama executive order contains ominous language about combating Americans who choose to resist martial law takeover after biological terror attack.

The federal government is training postal workers in six U.S. cities to dispense “anti-terror drugs” in the event of a biological attack, with the promise that they will be accompanied by law enforcement officers to protect them from “potentially violent crowds”.
“The White House won’t name the six cities, and Department of Homeland Security spokeswoman Amy Kudwa says she can’t talk about whether more cities are interested in the voluntary program,” reports USA Today.
At a cost of $1 million per city, the Department of Homeland Security is training postal workers to dispense boxes of drugs accompanied by fliers telling people what to do in the event of a mass casualty attack.
About 60% of mail carriers volunteered for a trial run of the program in Minneapolis and were able to reach 205,000 households within 8 hours, with the program set to be expanded to enable it to reach all 735,000 households in the metro area.
The program is being promoted as a vital and lifesaving component of emergency preparedness, helping to get urgently needed drugs out to the elderly and those who cannot easily leave their homes.
However, the real intention behind the policy takes on a more ominous tone in light of the fact that President Obama’s December 2009 executive order that laid the groundwork for the program included guarantees that the government would protect postal workers from angry American citizens who would react violently to receiving the drugs by ensuring they were accompanied by police officers when dispensing the medication.
This raises the prospect that the government will mandate citizens to take whatever medication is being dispensed, including vaccinations. There appears to be no other explanation as to why the government is preparing for “potentially violent crowds” in reaction to the supposedly lifesaving drug dispensing program.
As we have previously reported, the U.S. Postal Service has always been an integral player in federal preparations for martial law.
Back in May, we received documents from a military source indicating that U.S. Postal Service facilities across the country are expanding the construction of secretive criminal investigation rooms, which some fear will be used to detain American citizens in the event of a national emergency, bioterror attack or pandemic.
The documents show architectural floor plans for criminal investigation rooms that would be housed within existing U.S. Postal Service buildings. The blueprints show “secret rooms” within post offices where, the source claims, “families will be separated” in the event of martial law being declared.
Under the terms of the December 2001 Model State Emergency Health Powers Act, of which the majority of states have now passed similar versions, the government has the power to seize control of all public and private property in the event of a biological terror attack.
Critics savaged the MSEHPA as “an unprecedented assault on the constitutional rights of the American people,” that, according to the Association of American Physicians and Surgeons claimed, “could turn governors into dictators”.
The act included draconian and sweeping language giving the government almost limitless power in responding to a declared national health emergency, such as a bioterrorist attack or an epidemic.
Under the act, the government ascribes itself the power take over any public facility, including post offices.