by Mark Daniels
It is amazing how quick people are to call for Executions and Assassinations for some people, but they refuse to even acknowledge the criminal activities of our elected representatives, bankers, etc.
Justice is handed out according to one's position of power within a society. Occasionally, those in power are punished for their crimes, but usually when someone else with more power creates the circumstances for it to happen.
Justice equals power and privilege
Wikileaks founder, Julian Assange Speaks about the Afghan War Logs
Wikileaks founder, Julian Assange Speaks about the Afghan War Logs
Why do think our prisons are full of drug users, not drug kingpins? Should we execute members of the CIA for drug trafficking? What about all the other criminal organizations masquerading as government agencies? What about people who usurp the Presidency? The reason these people are not charged with crimes is because they control the legal system. Why do they control the legal system? Because "WE THE PEOPLE" let them.
I'm only asking the questions! Corruption abounds in our "Great Society". When are we going to WAKE UP and do something about it!
We should refuse to vote for any Republican or Democrat. This false dichotomy has ruined our country. Do the research....You too, can join the "Global Political Awakening"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!